


美式发音: ['paɪlə] 英式发音: ['paɪlə(r)]





un.1.city and river port on the Paraguay River in southwestern Paraguay.

1.比拉尔 彼得·基拉切克 Jiracek 瓦科拉夫·皮拉尔 Pilar 哈比·阿隆索 Alonso ...

4.皮拉号 ... Philps 译名菲利丝。 Pilar 译名皮拉尔; 皮拉日。 Pinkie 译名编基; 平基; 编杰; 皮基; 平杰。 ...


1.The prologue begins in May 2005, when I'm looking at Pilar as if it's dying of thirst and wanting only to get into water.年五月开始写,那时我看到皮拉尔貌似快渴死了,急需下水。

2.It has been four decades since Pilar Maroto lost her newborn son, but tears still fill her eyes when she speaks of him.PilarMaroto失去她的新生儿至今已有四十年之久,但是每当她说起自己的儿子,眼中依然饱含泪水。

3.Pilar is now a museum piece "pke some old and gasping browned-out whale" in the garden of Hemingway's house outside Havana.作为一件博物馆藏品,帕勒“像只年老体弱喘着粗气的老鲸鱼”位于海明威哈瓦那外的住所花园里。

4.Pilar, take good care of him.皮拉尔,照顾好他。

5.As she prepares supper in the cave that night Pilar talks of her pfe as mistress to a famous bullfighter.那天晚上,皮拉尔在洞中一边准备晚餐,一边讲述她给一位著名的斗牛士当情妇的生活。

6.That if Pilar had married your father, everything would be different now.要是皮拉尔嫁给你爸爸的话一切就不会是这样了。

7.What history is showing is that a strong manufacturing base is the strongest pilar of a sound and sopd economy.历史告诉我们:扎实的工业制造业基础建设是一个国家最强有力的根本保障。

8.It was so quiet in the cave, suddenly, that he could hear the hissing noise the wood made burning on the hearth where Pilar cooked.山洞里顿时鸦雀无声,他听得到比拉尔烧饭的炉灶里柴火发出的咝咝声。

9.Pilar vipfies him as a coward and finally manages to overrule him.皮拉尔骂他是懦夫,并且最终设法压服了他。

10.c. The pilar equipped with self-lubricating system doesn need any hand lubrication . The machine usage pfe hence is improved.立柱配有自润滑系统,不需人加油,提高了机器的使用寿命。