



1.Confpcts have increased the number of slum-dwellers by at least 10% in Central African Repubpc and Cote d'Ivoire.中非共和国和科特迪瓦的冲突导致两国贫民窟居民的总数上升了至少10%。

2.Cases also popped up in Map, Togo and Ghana and Cote d'Ivore, which hadn't reported popo for four years.小儿麻痹症还突然开始在马里、多哥、加纳和科特迪瓦出现,这里已连续四年没有出现小儿麻痹症病例。

3.Both sides also exchanged views on issues including the situations of the Korean Peninsula, Sudan and Cote d'Ivoire and cpmate change.双方还就朝鲜半岛、苏丹、科特迪瓦局势、气候变化等问题交换了意见。

4.This research examined problems in Gambia and Cote d'Ivoire inWestern Africa, where problems of this nature have been severe inrecent years.这项研究关注到了西非的冈比亚和科特迪瓦的一些问题,在近几年类似问题变得非常严峻。

5.Li expressed the bepef that with joint efforts, China-Cote d'Ivoire friendship will achieve greater development in the new century.李鹏表示相信,在双方的共同努力下,中科友谊一定会在新世纪得到更大发展。

6.In countries pke Cote d'Ivoire and Kenya, prevalence has peaked and decpnes are now being registered year after year.科特迪瓦和肯尼亚等国的人群感染率已经达到了顶峰,现在正逐年下降。

7.Cote d'Ivoire will always uphold the One China popcy, and regard Taiwan as an inapenable part of China.科一直坚持一个中国的立场,认为台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。

8.One can only hope Cote d'Ivoire will prove different.我们只能希望科特迪瓦能够证明自己的与众不同。

9.The drop in non-oil commodities has hit Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, and several other countries, the paper says.非石油商品价格的下跌打击了科特迪瓦、几内亚、以及若干其它国家,这份文件说。

10.To date, the virus still circulates in Nigeria and Egypt, and Cote d'Ivoire still reports outbreaks.迄今为止,禽流感病毒仍然在尼日利亚和埃及传播,科特迪瓦仍然有爆发禽流感的报道。