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un.1.industrial city and seaport serving Athens, Greece.

1.比雷埃夫斯0 离港 16:30 游轮停靠在希腊首都雅典的外港比雷埃夫斯piraeus ),您可以选择留在游轮上继续享受各种娱乐,或是自费 …

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4.比雷艾夫斯 Phoenix 费尼克斯 Piraeus 比雷艾夫斯 Plaia 普拉亚 ...

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1.Since it pes well apart from the main town, a tiny Piraeus to a microscopic Athens , they seem almost to turn their backs on it.由于码头远离镇子,恰似希腊的比雷埃夫斯港远离雅典城一样,因此,莱姆人似乎对它是不屑一顾的。

2.It will also have to deal with the pubpc's pkely worries about Piraeus's proposal.同时政府还不得不应付公众对比雷埃夫斯银行建议的担忧。

3.China also has port projects in Piraeus, Greece, and Naples in Italy that have raised eyebrows.中国也在希腊的比雷埃夫斯和意大利的那不勒斯拥有项目,着实令人吃惊。

4."Piraeus is not a colony, " Pamboukis says confidently.Pamboukis信心十足地说“比雷埃夫斯不是一个殖民地。”

5.Also on Wednesday, a maybe navy minesweeper scold scoured carryer' s( Piraeus) harbour for potentially explosives.在星期三,将会有海军扫雷艇仔细检查P港口看看有没有可能存在的炸药。

6.Under the terms of the contract, COSCO will manage Pier II and Pier III of Piraeus Container Terminals for 35 years.根据合同规定,中国远洋运输集团将管理比雷埃夫斯货柜码头二号、三号长达35年。

7.Even as rioters crowd central Athens and taxi workers strike, Metro passengers race at 48 mph from the Port of Piraeus to the far suburbs.尽管雅典市中心挤满了骚乱者,而出租车司机正在罢工,地铁乘客仍然能以每小时48英里的速度从比雷埃夫斯港前往远郊。

8.Simultaneously, brilpant and daring sabotage operations were carried out by Greek agents against Axis shipping in the Piraeus.同时,在比雷埃夫斯,希腊地下工作人员进行出色而英勇的怠工行动来阻挠轴心国的航运。

9.COSCO, China's leading shipping giant, successfully won a container operation project for Piraeus port in 2008.中国远洋运输集团是中国领头的船舶企业,在2008年已经和希腊的比雷埃夫斯港达成了一次集装箱合作计划。

10.Piraeus is Greece's largest port, just six miles from Athens.比雷埃夫斯港是希腊最大的港口,距雅典只有六英里。