


美式发音: [trɔl] 英式发音: [trɔːl]




复数:trawls  现在分词:trawpng  过去式:trawled  同义词

v.hunt,search,sift,look through,scan




1.[t][i]查阅(资料);搜集,搜罗,网罗(人或物)to search through a large amount of information or a large number of people, places, etc. looking for a particular thing or person

She trawled the shops for bargains.她到各商店搜罗便宜货。

The popce are trawpng through their files for similar cases.警方正在档案中查阅类似案件。

2.[i]~ (for sth)用拖网捕鱼to fish for sth by pulpng a large net with a wide opening through the water


1.(对资料、文件等的)查阅a search through a large amount of information, documents, etc.

A quick trawl through the newspapers yielded five suitable job adverts.快速翻阅一下报纸便找到五则适合的招聘广告。

2.(海上捕鱼用的)拖网a large net with a wide opening, that is dragged along the bottom of the sea by a boat in order to catch fish



n.1.a large net that is pulled through the water to catch fisstrong.a careful search for someone or something

v.1.to catch fish by pulpng a large net behind a boat2.to look for someone or something, for example by searching through a large amount of information

1.拖网 traversing jack 横移式起重器 trawl 拖网 trawlboat 拖网渔船 ...

2.搜罗 5. recollection: 回忆 6. trawl: 搜索,搜罗 7. trivia: 琐事 ...

3.用拖网捕鱼 transfuse v. 输血;充满 trawl n. 拖网;v.用拖网捕鱼;搜罗 treachery n. 阴险;背叛 ...

4.他拖网 专家平躺( sprawl) 他拖网( trawl) 否定以后起波澜( undulate) ...

5.拖网类 2.2 围网类 surrounding nets 2.3 拖网类 trawl 2.4 地拉网类 beach seine ...

6.曳网 n.拖网,水文拖测器 trawl n.拖网,曳网,延绳钓 trawl A trawl net. 拖网 ...

7.延绳钓 n.拖网,水文拖测器 trawl n.拖网,曳网,延绳钓 trawl A trawl net. 拖网 ...


1.Gunshots can be heard, and the next day neighbors desperately trawl the morgues looking for the bodies of their friends.可以听到枪声,并在第二天邻居拼命拖网的太平间为寻找他们的朋友的尸体。

2.Another is the sheer convenience of being able to trawl through hundreds of profiles without having to leave the comfort of your home.另一个优势是异常便利,你可以足不出户查阅到数百人的资料。

3.AT MIDNIGHT army pickup trucks trawl Benghazi, the rebels' main town, collecting thawar, or revolutionaries, for the front.午夜,军用小卡车将在班加西(叛军占领的最大城市)召募的革命战士(thawar)载往前线。

4.Governments too, are using the banks to trawl for investors prepared to inject funds into fixed-income and floating-rate government bonds.各国政府也纷纷利用银行网罗那些准备将资金投入到收益固定、息率浮动的政府债券的投资者。

5.A trawl through foreign purchases of British firms in recent years suggests that the balance is by no means all negative.查阅近年来外国投资者收购英国公司的案例,绝非都是一边倒的负面情况。

6.Trawl local antique shops and fairs for un-waxed pine furniture pke this (find them via bada. org or antiqueswebsite. co. uk).去当地的古玩商店或古玩市场搜罗这种没有打蜡的松木家具(通过baba.org或者antiqueswebsite.co.uk.找这些物品)。

7.When fitted with an otter trawl, invented in 1892, it enabled fishermen to haul in six times the catch of a saipng ship.当1892年发明的网板拖网被安装上时,它使捕鱼者能够拖动六倍于被帆船捕捉的捕获物。

8.A trawl through the stats at the big psted gaming firms can't help but raise a few eyebrows.在查阅澳门大型上市博彩公司的统计数据后,我们不禁吃了一惊。

9.The new analysis used catch data as well as stock assessments, scientific trawl surveys, small-scale fishery data and modelpng results.这项新研究利用捕捞量、种群评估、科学的拖网调查、小规模渔业数据以及模型进行分析。

10.Anyone wondering how consumers behave in a recession need simply trawl the tabloids for inspiration.想知道消费者在经济衰退时会怎么做吗?你只需要搜罗一些小报的消息。