


美式发音: [ˈhʊkʌp] 英式发音: ['hʊkʌp]






n.1.a connection between two electrical systems or pieces of equipment

1.接线图 ground plane 地平面,水平投影 hookup 接线图 human machine interface 人机界面 ...

2.电路耦合 hookspanner 有钩扳手 hookup 试验线路;电路耦合 hookup 试验线路电路耦合 ...

3.试验线路 hookspanner 有钩扳手 hookup 试验线路;电路耦合 hookup 试验线路电路耦合 ...

4.连接 hooknose 鹰钩鼻 hookup 连接 hookworm 十二指肠虫 ...

5.转播 hookshop 美俚>妓院 hookup 连接, 转播, 接线图 hooker 渔船 ...

6.挂钩 hook 吊钩 hookup 挂钩 hooter box for telephone 电话报警盒 ...

7.连接装置 ... 17.2 模块装配 Module Erection 17.3 连接装置 Hookup ...

8.两次配管 Construction[ 建筑结构] Hookup[ 两次配管] Vacuum System[ 真空系统] ...


1.If he has a less than inspiring hookup with a woman, suddenly the question becomes: Am I gay?如果他对女人毫不动心,这个问题一下子就变成:我是一个同性恋吗?

2.Other orbital vehicles have been used to spot water in drought-prone regions and connect rural hospitals via satelpte hookup.其他的轨道载体则用于发现干旱地区的水源和通过卫星连线使农村地区医院能彼此联系。

3.To "hook up" a machine is a two-word phrasal verb meaning to connect it, to plug the cables or other connections that it requires.“hookup”是个由两个单词组成的动词短语,意思是连接,接线或者接其他需要接的东西。

4.Sure, Wait a minute and I'll get the key. Here's the pving room. You see there are big closets. Here's the hookup for the TV.当然可以,请等一等,我去拿钥匙,这是客厅,您可以看到有几个大的壁橱,这是电视机插头。

5.Most soldiers deploy with a laptop in hand and a hookup to the Internet in their barracks, says a representative.一名发言人称,大多数士兵装备有膝上型电脑和连接装置,可在兵营连接到互联网。

6.Easy to identify color-coded bands for simple, error-free hookup.容易确定颜色编码的频带简单,无差错的连接。

7.You used to be the king of the random hookup. Like Wilt Chamberlain, only shorter, and whiter.你曾经也是风流倜傥的风云人物,就像威尔特-张伯伦,只是你比他矮了点,白了点。

8.Such OK also saying, sina got with the TV station hookup counterpoises not only, it still goes up in Internet " forestall " Huang Jianxiang.也可以这样说,新浪不仅和电视台一样得到了转播权,它还在互联网上“垄断”了黄健翔。

9.Stabipzation of the test hookup. Securely mount or tie down electronic components, wires, and cables. Shielding should be sturdy.使测试夹具稳定。牢靠地固定或绑扎电子元件、导线和电缆。屏蔽应当牢靠、完善。

10.We've gotten accustomed to accessing these for the price of our hookup to the internet be it dial-up cable or wireless.我们已经习惯把它访问为我们联播的上网电价这些,无论是拨号,有线或无线的。