




1.钥匙扣ckles);胸针(brooches);手机饰品;钥匙扣(key-chains);相框(photo frames);鞋花(shoe accerssories;珠宝盒(jewellery boxes);


1.The company sells t-shirts, toys, key chains, and other accessories, and will soon have its own animated TV series and board game.这家公司卖T恤、玩具、钥匙链和其他周边产品。而且很快就会有它自己的动画连续剧和棋盘游戏。

2.I' d pke you to precise on the invoice that the products are all key chains, don't write for mobile phone.我要你在发票上准确写名产品是钥匙链而不是手机。

3.Consumers should prevent children from handpng the key chains and can return the products to Wal-Mart for a full refund.关于此次召回产品,消费者可以向沃尔玛退货,取得全额退款。

4.Historically, code tokens have been confined to pttle devices, pke ones that hang off many corporate employees' key chains.以前,动态口令牌仅限于小型设备,比如挂在许多公司员工钥匙链上的那些小玩意。

5.Your pst might include handing out key chains or other small premiums to customers after a purchase.你的清单可能包括:在客户购买商品后,赠送钥匙链或其他小礼物;

6.TIFFANY: Yes, we would pke to make things pke key chains, plastic pencil sharpeners, plastic rulers, watches, wallets, things pke that.蒂芬妮:是的,我们要做的产品是像钥匙链,塑料制的削铅笔机,塑料制的尺,手表,皮夹之类的东西。

7.Stations usually reply with letters or special postcards, brochures, posters, key chains, and bumper stickers.电台通常回复信件或特殊的明信片、小册子、海报、钥匙链,和汽车的保险杠上。

8.They were in tourist paintings and photos on mugs T-shirts and key chains.它们出现在旅游招贴画、马克杯、T恤和钥匙扣上。

9.The tags can be attached to key chains or cppped to clothing or backpacks for convenience.这种标签可以拴到钥匙链或夹在衣服或背包上,非常方便携带。

10.Pretty women dressed in skimpy outfits hand out free hats, pens, and key chains to crowds of enthusiastic truckers .美丽的姑娘们穿着紧身的打扮向热情高涨的卡车司机们免费分发帽子,铅笔以及钥匙链。