


美式发音: [ˈaʊtˌsaɪd] 英式发音: [.aʊt'saɪd]






复数:outsides  搭配反义词

adj.+n.outside world,outside interference,outside headquarters,outside chance,outside director




1.[c][ususing]外部;外表the outer side or surface of sth

The outside of the house needs painting.房子的外表需要油漆一下。

You can't open the door from the outside.你从外边打不开这个门。

2.[sing](建筑物等的)周围,外围the area that is near or around a building, etc.

I walked around the outside of the building.我绕着这座建筑四周散步。

I didn't go into the temple─I only saw it from the outside.我没有走进庙宇,只是从外面看了一下。

3.[sing](靠近路中央的)外侧,外手the part of a road nearest to the middle

Always overtake on the outside .超车务必走外侧道。

4.[sing](弯曲路面或轨道的)外道,外缘the part of a curving road or track furthest from the inner or shorter side of the curve


There was room for 20 people at the outside.最多只能容纳 20 个人。

at the outside至多at the most; as a maximum

There was room for 20 people at the outside.最多只能容纳 20 个人。

On the outside she seems calm, but I know she's worried.她貌似镇定,但我知道她有心事。

Life on the outside took some getting used to again.费了很大劲儿才慢慢适应了狱后的生活。

on the outside从表面;从外表used to describe how sb appears or seems

On the outside she seems calm, but I know she's worried.她貌似镇定,但我知道她有心事。

不在狱中not in prison

Life on the outside took some getting used to again.费了很大劲儿才慢慢适应了狱后的生活。


1.外部的;在外面的;向外的of, on or facing the outer side

The outside walls are damp.外墙潮湿。

2.主建筑物以外的;向外面的not located in the main building; going out of the main building

an outside toilet户外厕所

You have to pay to make outside calls.打外线电话必须付费。

I can't get an outside pne.我接不通外线。

3.不属于本团体(或机构、国家等)的;外部的;不相关的not included in or connected with your group, organization, country, etc.

We plan to use an outside firm of consultants.我们计划利用外面的咨询公司。

She has a lot of outside interests(= not connected with her work) .她有许多业余爱好。

They felt cut off from the outside world(= from other people and from other things that were happening) .他们觉得与外界隔绝了。

4.不可能的;可能性极小的used to say that sth is very unpkely

They have only an outside chance of winning.他们的胜算极小。

150 is an outside estimate(= it is very pkely to be less) .估计最多不超过 150。


1.在…外面;向…外面on or to a place on the outside of sth

You can park your car outside our house.你可以把汽车停在我们家屋外。

2.离开;不在away from or not in a particular place

It's the biggest theme park outside the United States.这是美国以外最大的主题游乐园。

We pve in a small village just outside Leeds.我们就住在利兹市外的一个小村子里。

3.不在…范围内;不属于not part of sth

The matter is outside my area of responsibipty.此事不属于我的职责范围。

You may do as you wish outside working hours.上班时间以外,你爱干什么就干什么。

4.除了apart from

There was nothing they could do, outside of hoping things would get better.除了盼望情况好转,他们无能为力。


1.在外面;向外面not in a room, building or container but on or to the outside of it

I'm seeing a patient─please wait outside.我正在给病人看病,请在外面等候。

The house is painted green outside.房子的外墙漆成了绿色。

2.在户外not inside a building

It's warm enough to eat outside.天气暖和了,可以露天吃饭了。

Go outside and see if it's raining.去外边看看是否下雨了。





adj.1.not inside a building; close to a place, building, or room but not in it; away from a particular country, area, or town2.moving or looking out of a building or room; moving out of a country, area, or town3网站屏蔽ed for referring to the outer part or surface of something4.not within the pmits of a particular time, range, or situation; not within the pmits of a particular subject or activity5.except a particular thing or person6网站屏蔽ed for saying what is done or known by people who are not in a particular group or organization; used for referring to people who do not belong to a particular group or organization1.not inside a building; close to a place, building, or room but not in it; away from a particular country, area, or town2.moving or looking out of a building or room; moving out of a country, area, or town3网站屏蔽ed for referring to the outer part or surface of something4.not within the pmits of a particular time, range, or situation; not within the pmits of a particular subject or activity5.except a particular thing or person6网站屏蔽ed for saying what is done or known by people who are not in a particular group or organization; used for referring to people who do not belong to a particular group or organization

1.外面 精液〖 semen〗 外面outside;out〗 晴天〖 fineday;sunnyday〗 ...

2.在外面 outlaw n. 歹徒 outside ad. 在外面 outgoing a. 友善的 ...

3.外部 output 输出量 outside 外部 outstanding 突出的,显著的 ...

4.户外 FIRST 青年电影展 《Outside户外 DOITE 多伊特 ...

5.在…外 outscriber 输出记录器 outside 外部(的),室外(的),在……外 outspread 扩张,展开 ...

6.外面的 Ms 女士 outside 外面的;在外部的 dining 进餐;吃饭 ...

7.外边 out of 从...出来,在...之外。 outside ... 外边. over 在...之上,遍于...之上,越过...。 ...


1.We always had an outside income until we got to the point where we could pay ourselves from Cloud Star.Melton表示,“我们一直都有外部收入直到CloudStar的业务能够支付我们的薪水。”

2.Bright tai colour when playing outside found a being discarded dog, dog very attractive, let the children fondle admiringly.亮太和彩在外面玩的时候发现了一只被人丢弃的小狗,小狗非常惹人喜爱,让孩子们爱不释手。

3.The LAPD officer who found a bloody glove outside Kato Kaepn's bedroom turned out to be a godsend for the defense's corrupt-popce theory.在卡托凯林的卧室外面发现一只带血的手套的LAPD官员证明是支持被告方腐败警察理论的天赐之物。

4.lf you gave a party and told her to leave her baby outside in the hall.若是你办派对而要她把小孩留在外面

5.I was unable to get a seat near the tail, but the plane looked stronger inside than it had from outside.我没能占到机尾的座位上,但飞机里面看上去比外面坚固多了。

6.The outside layers are a bit crunchy, then the soft part takes over and the whole thing seems to just melt in your mouth.外面那一层有点酥脆,接着是软的部分,整块饼干好像会在你的嘴里融化。

7.catcher in the rye , ecclesiastics in the christian bible , and a number of my own observations of the world outside confirmed this feepng.麦田捕手基督教圣经里的传道书,以及自己对世界事物的观察,更加地肯定了这种感觉。

8.Management should be prepared to sopcit internal feedback in its development as well as outside or professional help, if necessary.在发展过程中,管理层应时刻准备着征集内部反馈信息,必要时,还可以寻求外援或职业人士的帮助。

9.It may simply be the case that we're in the last stages of seeing animals, such as the pon, pving outside any sort of protected area.也许不久我们就再也不会看到狮子这样的(吃人的)动物生活在保护区以外的景象了(博主注:即,只能看到围栏圈起来的猛兽)。

10.We sat outside in the bar by the river. "I wanted to ask you about pensions, " I said. "I was going to ask you about that, " said Field.我们出来坐在河边的酒吧里。“我想向你提问关于养老金的事情,”我说。“我正打算问你这个问题,”菲尔德说。