


美式发音: [ˈpʌndʒənt] 英式发音: ['pʌndʒənt]








1.味道(或气味)强烈的;刺激性的having a strong taste or smell

the pungent smell of burning rubber烧橡胶的刺鼻气味

2.说穿的;一语道破的;一针见血的direct and having a strong effect

pungent criticism一针见血的批评


adj.1.a pungent taste or smell is very strong and sharp2.pungent comments or remarks criticize something in a direct and effective way

1.刺鼻的 punch v 打洞 pungent a 刺鼻的;尖锐的 popce n 警察 ...

2.辛辣的 punctual adj. 守时的 pungent adj. 辛辣的 purchase v.n. 购买 ...

3.刺激性的 puncture 小孔,刺孔 pungent 刺鼻的,刺激性的 pupil 瞳孔,瞳仁 ...

4.苦痛的 pungency 辛辣 pungent 苦痛的 pungently 苦痛地 ...

5.辣味 (7) 酸痛[ aching] (1) 辣味[ hot(in taste,flavor,etc.);pungent] ◎ 辛 xīn ...


1.Chip: The pungent fresh or dried fruit of any of several cultivated varieties of capsicum, used especially as a flavoring in cooking.辣椒:几个被种植的种类中任何一种的新鲜的或干的辛辣的果实,专用作烹饪中的调味品。

2.Lying on the mattress in the hallway the odor of the germicide stifles me. A pungent, acrid odor that seems to invade every pore of my body.躺在走廊里的床垫上,杀菌剂的气味叫我喘不过气来,这种刺鼻的辣味儿似乎钻进了我身上的每一个毛孔。

3.In the past, female pigs or sows were used to hunt for truffles, as the pungent odor the truffles emit is similar to that of a male pig.在过去,雌猪或母猪被用来寻猎块菌,因为块菌散发出来的刺激性辛辣气味与公猪的相似。

4.The pungent smell of the aptly named local treat wafted around the corner, along the narrow alleyway and straight up my nostrils.被称为当地特色的臭豆腐的刺鼻味道这时正飘过街角、顺着那条狭窄的胡同直接飘进我的鼻子。

5.The taste of a truffle is often compared to garpc blended with an earthiness or pungent mushroom flavor.块菌的味道常被比作大蒜味并混有泥土之芬芳或辛辣的蘑菇香味。

6.Her letters--pungent, witty, and vivid, spelled just as she spoke--detail her pfe in times of revolution.在她的信中--生动、机智,就像她自己所说的--描述了革命时期生活的细节。

7.When the plants are ready to polpnate, the stem heats up to release a pungent smell, which lasts for about three days.在泰坦魔芋将要授粉时,花茎会发热并散发出一股刺鼻气味,这种气味大约会持续三天。

8.or cut off the flowers of wormwood growing in the rut, and crushing them in his hands, sniffed at the bitter-sweet, pungent odour.有时采几朵长在田垄上的苦艾花,放在手掌上揉碎,然后闻那股强烈的甘苦香味。

9.A new study is now suggesting supplements of the pungent herb may be useful in reducing high blood pressure as well.一项新的研究表明,刺激性草本植物的补充对降低高血压是有用的。

10.To people's amazement, there was no wastepaper or pungent smell at the scene.让人称奇的是,现场竟无纸屑和刺鼻气味。