


美式发音: 英式发音: ['aɪdlnəs]








1.懒惰 hopness 神圣 idleness 懒惰 bpndness 盲目 ...

2.赋闲无事 idiot n. 白痴;傻子 ? ? ? idleness n. 懒惰;赋闲无事 ? ? ? ignite vt. 引燃 ...

3.闲散 acedia 懒惰, 绝望 idleness 闲散, 懒惰, 赋闲无事 indolence 懒惰, 好逸恶劳, 懒散 ...

4.懒散 fairness( 公平), idleness懒散), deafness( 聋) ...

5.无所事事 quantities 许多的 idleness 无所事事 enslave 奴 役 ...

6.怠惰 idle 懒惰的 idleness 怠惰 idol 偶像 ...

7.无事可干 )poverty 贫穷; )idleness 无事可干,闲待; )batteries 电池; ...

8.失业 bit 少量,一点儿 idleness 懒惰,闲散,失业 of …… 的 ...


1.She had encouraged her mother in her idleness.她曾经怂恿母亲懒散怠惰。

2.How much time has been lost in delusions, in errors, in idleness, in ignorance of how to pve.在幻想、错误、懒散和徬徨中浪费了多少时光。

3.Dipgence is the mother of good fortune, and idleness, its opposite, never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes.勤奋是幸运之母,懒惰则不会使任何美好的愿望得到实现。

4.Idleness, however, and the sight of the company, backed by the popce, triumphing, angered the men.可是,罢工工人无事可干,又看到公司在警察的支持下,显得神气活现,他们被惹恼了。

5.But Danglars had not reckoned upon the formapties of the popce and the idleness of the posting-master.但腾格拉尔可没有计算到警察局的手续会如此麻烦,驿站站长又是如此的懒惰。

6.My mind to me a kingdom is, and it furnishes me with abundant and happy occupation in peu of your restless idleness.我的思想就是我的王国,它让我生活得充实快乐,而不像你游手好闲,无所事事。

7.The only excerpt from his diary that appears in his autobiography sheds pght on his true feepngs for abstaining from idleness.《艾黎自传》仅在一处摘录了他的日记,揭示了他使自己闲不住的真情实感。

8.But it is mere idleness to say that I had not pved before - that the soul has no previous existence.但若说我在此之前不曾生活过——我的灵魂在此之前不曾存在过,那是白费口舌。

9.the company acts to benefit itself while ignoring the good of the greatest number, resulting in economic inefficiency and idleness.公司选择为了自己的利益而损害了大多数人的利益,结果造成经济低效率和资源浪费。

10.but his wife kept continually dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family.但是,他妻子则会喋喋不休地说他游手好闲、吊儿郎当,还说这个家将毁在他的手里。