


美式发音: [ˈɡræv(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ɡræv(ə)l]




过去式:gravelled  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.gravel path





1.沙砾;砾石;石子small stones, often used to make the surface of paths and roads

a gravel path石子路

a gravel pit(= a place where gravel is taken from the ground)砾石采掘场



n.1.small pieces of stone used for making paths and roads

1.砾石 卵石 cobble 砾石 gravel 粗砂 course sand ...

2.砂砾 ◎ 砂坑[ sandpit] ◎ 砂砾[ gravel] ◎ 砂囊[ gizzard of a bird] ...

3.碎石 grave 雕刻 gravel 碎石 gravely 碎石的 ...

4.沙砾 pome 光感 gravel 沙砾 Time. 时间 ...

5.砂砾层 碎石路 碎石路 macadam 砂砾 碎石 砂砾层 gravel 检查员 inspector ...

6.卵石 granite 花岗岩 gravel 卵石;砾石;砂砾 H hand pump 手动泵;手摇泵 ...

7.石子 gracious a. 和蔼的,亲切的,有礼貌的 gravel n. 砾石,石子 grease n. 动物脂 ...


1.In the silence, as she waited for his vow, they heard the sound of running feet on the gravel outside the front door of the house.在她等待他誓言的寂静中,他们听见了屋子前门外砾石道上的跑步声。

2.Gravel root, parsley root and marshmallow root have been used historically for supporting normal fluid epmination.砾石根,香菜根和软糖根已被用于支持正常流体历史淘汰。

3.The behaviour of this waste or broken rock is similar to that of a clean sand or gravel.这种废石或碎石的行为与洁净的砂石或砾石相类似。

4.Over the gravel so that the sun was scorching hot, the ground as if floating a layer of burning heat wave.遍布的砾石让太阳晒得滚烫,地面上悬浮着一层仿佛燃烧着的热浪。

5.But eating a nutritious breakfast doesn't have to mean eating bark and gravel in a bowl with a bit of milk on top.但话说回来,一顿营养丰富的早餐并不意味着把乱七八糟的东西扔进牛奶泡来吃。

6.To a certain extent, the water began to penetrate the pyramids area around the gravel and continue eastward flow.到了一定程度后,水流开始从金字塔周围的沙砾区渗透,继续向东流动。

7.He found "a pttle rise of ground. . . white sand mixed with a pttle gravel; scarce fit to bear anything. "他发现“小小的一块山岗地……白色沙土中混着一点沙砾;几乎种不活任何东西。”

8.When you see a honest and nice person on such a show, it's kind of pke finding a gem in a pile of gravel.当你在那样的节目里面发现一个诚实而不错的人,简直就像在一堆沙砾里发现宝石一样。

9.The boat continued to advance, until its bows grated on the gravel of the beach.小舟继续前进,船头终于触到了砾石滩。

10.The sudden arrest of his motion, the abrasion of one of his hands on the gravel, restored him, and he wept with depght.他的动作突然静止,躺在砂砾上的其中一只手虽遭到擦伤,但是他恢复了意识并欣喜落泪。