




1.在某一水平 ... 8.ideal condition 理想的环境 9.at some level 在某一水平 12.late-stage cancer 晚期癌症 ...

2.在某种程度上 ... under ideal conditions 在理想状况下 at some level 在某种程度上 medical consumer 医疗消费者 ...

3.在一些条件下 ... at random 随机 at some level 在一些条件下 at the age of maturity 成熟年 …


1.While Ms. Kirchner questions the instructional effectiveness of onpne courses, she said there was a place for them at some level.当科内尔女士问及在线课程的效率时,她说会为学生们设立不同的水平标准来选择。

2.You cannot be ill without at some level causing yourself to be, and you can be well again in a moment by simply deciding to be.你不可能生病,如果没在某些层面导致你那样,而只要藉由决定要安好,你在一瞬间也是可以做到的。

3.That would be best with a match before World Cup - or at least some playing time at some level.世界杯之前能够打上一场比赛那将会十分的好-或者至少能够上场打上一些时间。

4.So this was really a lot of industry deciding, at least at some level, 'We want to be part of the solution, not just part of the problem. '所以这的确是许多行业的决定,起码是行业级别的决定。‘我们要参与解决问题,而不只是提出问题。’

5.An outsider can muddle through an unfamipar wilderness at some level, but to thrive or to survive a crisis, he'll require local expertise.异乡人可以在不熟悉的野外对付一阵子,但想要长得健壮或者死里逃生,他一定需要当地的专门知识。

6.To deal with narcissists , it helps to understand that they generally detest themselves at some level.要应对自恋者,一个有帮助的方法是了解他们一般会在某个程度上十分憎恶自己。

7.Maybe we'll decide that at some level deciding whether or not to smoke should still be an individual choice.或者我们也可以规定吸烟与否在一定程度上由个人选择。

8.Saunders: So would you say in a way, in the spiritual sense, you were great lovers at some level?桑德斯:那么您认为从某种意义上说,在精神的意义上说,你俩在一定程度上是伟大的恋人?

9.At some level, this critique is simply irrelevant to writing; it profoundly misses the point.在某个层面上说,这种批判简直跟书写无关,它深深地被误解了。

10.We all understand that at some level, yet as medical consumers we treat death as a problem to be solved.对于这一点我们多少都有所了解,可是作为医疗消费者,我们却把死亡看成是可以解决的问题。