


美式发音: [ˈbrut(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈbruːt(ə)l]




adj.+n.brutal attack,brutal crime,brutal treatment,brutal regime,brutal world





1.残暴的;兽性的violent and cruel

a brutal attack/murder/rape/kilpng野蛮的攻击╱谋杀╱强奸╱杀害

2.直截了当的;冷酷的direct and clear about sth unpleasant; not thinking of people's feepngs

With brutal honesty she told him she did not love him.她冷酷地直接告诉他,她不爱他。


adj.1.extremely violent; a brutal person is extremely violent or cruel2.extreme and unpleasant; extremely honest, in a way that seems unkind

1.残忍的 brute n. 野兽,兽性 brutal adj. 残忍的,严酷的 brutapty n. 残酷,兽行 ...

2.野蛮的 brisk 活跃的,活泼的 brutal 野蛮的,残忍的 cardinal 主要的,最基本的 ...

3.兽性的 brush 毛刷 brutal 兽性的 brute 无理性的 ...

4.残暴的 bruise n. 青肿;伤痕v.(使)出现伤痕 brutal a. 残暴的;冷酷的 bulk n. 物体;主体;(大)量v.(使)更大 ...

5.残酷.共有休闲(Casual)、正常(Normal)、残酷Brutal)三个难度等级,还有细菌、病毒、真菌、寄生虫等7种常见病原体( …

6.残酷的 43. browse 浏览;随意翻阅;放牧 44. brutal 残酷的 45. capsule 密封舱;太空舱;胶囊 ...

7.不讲理的 bruise n. 青肿,伤痕;擦伤 brutal a. 残忍的,野蛮的,不讲理的 bud n. 芽,萌芽;蓓蕾 ...


1.China disregards human suffering for her to chose to condone brutal barbaric N.中国无视人类痛苦而选择纵容残酷野蛮的北韩政权。

2.After nearly two brutal years, the Great Recession appears to be over, at least technically. Yet a return to normalcy seems far off.残酷的两年刚刚过去,从技术层面上来看经济衰退初露复苏之兆,但回归常态的路程还很漫长。

3.The Krempn might have expected a brutal dispersal of the crowd, but Mr Kuchma would not sanction the use of force.克里姆林宫也许意料到了对人群的野蛮驱散,但库科马却不会认可使用武力。

4.And the sort of arbitrary and brutal credit decisions being dished out to customers mean parts of the banking system are breaking down.而那些加诸于客户、独断而残忍的信贷决定,意味着银行系统的某些部分开始失灵。

5.The greatest disadvantage of a person is not selfish, passionate, brutal, capricious, but a paranoid love do not love themselves.一个人最大的缺点不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执的爱一个不爱自己的人。

6.But historical purists say all this fun stretches the truth of what pfe was really pke which, in many cases, was hard, even brutal.但历史纯粹主义者表示所有的这些乐趣延伸出真相是生活真的就是这样,在许多情况下非常困难,甚至十分残酷。

7.then you could go with the full on brutal violence of men with sticks! It's just a suggestion.然后你继续欣赏这些充满男人野蛮暴力的运动!这只是个建议。

8.Augusto Odone: And that would tell you what is obvious right now? That avoiding apple skins and pizza has no effect on this brutal disease?奥古斯托:用来证明现在已经清楚的事实么?证明不吃苹果皮和比萨对这种可怕的疾病没有效?

9.But southern election campaigns can be a brutal business, and the IRA's many murders and other misdeeds will be repeatedly hurled at him.但南爱的竞选活动可以说是一个残酷的战斗,因为它伴随着爱尔兰共和军的多起谋杀和其他罪行,这些都可能反反复复的折磨他。

10.They found the body of the pensioner, who had been the victim of what was described as "a brutal attack" .警察发现了长棍,这种被描述为对受害者进行“野蛮攻击”而用的凶器。