


美式发音: ['eroʊ] 英式发音: ['eərəʊ]







adj.1网站屏蔽ed in aircraft or aeronautics

abbr.1.aviation industry

1.航空 巨足 Giant-foot 航空 Aero 旋翼飞机 Gyro ...

2.空气 (with 向后+ (aero 空气,航空+ (syn 综合+ ...

3.飞行 adiposity n. 肥胖症 aero n. 气体, 飞机, 飞行 anagogic a. 神秘的 ...

4.飞机 adiposity n. 肥胖症 aero n. 气体, 飞机, 飞行 anagogic a. 神秘的 ...

5.航空的 aerify 气化 aero 航空的 aeroallergen 高空过敏症 ...

6.流线型的 advisory service 咨询服务部 aero (车辆等)流线型的 affidavit of means 偿债能力证明书 ...

7.爱诺 .coop: 用于商业合作团体; .aero用于航空工业; .xxx: 用于成人、***; ...


1.To tell you the truth, the thought of jumping out of a moving aero-plane made my hair stand on end.老实告诉你,一想到从飞行中的飞机上跳下去就使我毛骨悚然?

2.The altitude determination of spacecraft has always been a hot problem in spacefpght and aero aviation.飞行器姿态一直是航天航空领域研究一大热点和难点问题。

3.Up to the time of my writing this article, Aero has been helping me with my selecting the courses with great effort.截至我写这篇文章,航空一直在帮助我的选择具有很大的努力,我的课程时间。

4.This $600 car is no toy and is ready to be released in China next year. The single seater aero car totes VW (Volkswagen) branding.这辆售价600美元的车可不是玩具车来的,它将会在明年在中国推出市场。这种流线型外形的单座车由大众汽车生产。

5.You do not have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey, for an aero plane gets you to your destination rapidly.你不必设法忘掉你是在旅行,因为飞机会很快地将你送到目的地。

6.I hope by the next aero upgrade to see another step, but honestly by next year the team should be very strong.我希望下一个空气动力套件的升级能上到新的台阶,但坦诚的说,车队要到下赛季才会强势。

7.Today the company released a new teaser image of the vehicle, this time with a not-before-seen Aero package.今天,微软发布了新的挑逗性的形象,车辆,这个时候有没有过的空气动力学套件。

8.The aero is commonly known as the great surrounded, basically include the inlet grille, car side spoilers, surrounded and tail etc.这种空气动力套件就是俗称的大包围,基本上包含了进气格栅、车侧扰流板、后包围以及尾翼等。

9.At present, the system is in its trial running in an aero-manufacturing enterprise.目前,该系统正在某飞机公司进行试运行。

10.Two numerical examples and a practical example of an aero engine disk were presented herein to vapdate stochastic response surface method.两个数值例子和一个发动机轮盘实例来验证这一方法的有效性。