


美式发音: [faʊst] 英式发音: [faʊst]





1.浮士德 巴哈 - Bach - 古诺 - 浮士德 - Faust 雷哈尔 - 风流寡妇 - Die lustige Witwe ...

5.浮士德-魔鬼的诱惑 再见了,拉札老师 Monsieur Lazhar 浮士德-魔鬼的诱惑 Faust 抢救空军一号 Air Force One ...

6.浮士德的故事浮士德的故事 (Faust) 为了荣耀、青春、财富而出卖灵魂,与魔鬼签下契约,最后也必须透过忏悔,由玛丽亚显灵,赦免其罪。 …


1.Faust said the school is looking at ways to cut spending and will review compensation costs, which account for nearly half of the budget.福斯特称,目前学校正在想办法缩减开支,并考虑调整薪酬政策,哈佛大学每年的薪酬成本占其总预算的近一半。

2.Ms Faust tends to play down the significance of her gender .福斯特倾向于降低她性别的重要性。

3.With professor Faust women now head four of the eight highly competitive private universities in the north east known as the Ivy League.包括浮士德教授在内,八个富有竞争力的四个私营院校是女性校长,被誉为东北长青藤联盟。

4.Dr. Faust said she had been discussing a new kind of label that takes into account the wearer's shape, but expected retailers to bristle.浮士德博士说她已经讨论过一种将穿着者的体型考虑进去的标识方法,但猜想零售商会恼火。

5.Faust craved worldly goods; the poor man had only to stretch out his hand.浮士德渴求全世界的财富,这位不幸的人只是伸出了双手。

6.In Faust Goethe had Mephistopheles assume the form of a dog when he enters Faust's study for the first time.歌德在《浮士德》里说那个可怕的Mephistopheles第一次走进浮士德的书房,是化为一条狗。

7.As a historian, Ms Faust is perhaps best known for a book on women of the slave-holding South during the civil war.作为一位历史学家,福斯特一本有关美国内战的著作可能最为知名,内容涉及处于南方奴隶制下的妇女。

8.But Faust was able to take advantage of the growing wave of new opportunities for women in the 1960s.但浮士德是能够利用新的机会增长浪潮在20世纪60年代女性的优势。

9."The servo motor and drive are integrated into a single unit, " says Joe Faust, electrical engineering manager at Douglas.“的伺服电机和驱动器集成到一个单一的单位,”乔说浮士德,电子工程经理道格拉斯。

10.Now, a bit pke Satan coming to claim Faust's soul, the banks are reminding dozens of former high-flyers of their legal obpgations.如今,就像撒旦来索取浮士德的灵魂一样,各银行开始提醒许多曾经的富豪履行他们的法律义务。