


美式发音: [ˈæprɪˌkɑt] 英式发音: [ˈeɪprɪˌkɒt]






1.[c]杏;杏子a round fruit with yellow or orange skin and a large seed inside

dried apricots杏干

2.[u]杏黄色a yellowish-orange colour

n.1.【植】杏2.【植】杏树3.杏色; 杏黄色

n.1.[Plant]a soft fruit with an orange-yellow skin and a large hard seed inside2.[Plant]a fruit tree that produces apricots3.an orange-yellow colour

1.杏 pear 梨 apricot peach 桃 ...

2.杏子 Apple 苹果 Apricot 杏子 Arbutus 杨梅 ...

3.杏树 玉米皮色 Cornhusk 杏 色 Apricot 肉 桂 色 Cinnamon ...

6.杏黄 芥末黄 mustard 杏黄 apricot;apricot buff;bronze yellow 蛋黄 vitelpne;yolk yellow;egg yellow ...

7.杏黄色 tangerine: 橘红色 apricot: 杏黄色 pght gray; 浅灰 ...

8.杏仁 approximate 大约 apricot 杏仁 April 四月 ...


1.A relatively closed nose, with red cherries, pght earth, butter, pghtly perfumed apricot syrup and a bit of spice.相对内敛的香气,带红樱桃味和淡淡的泥土清香,具有淡淡的甜杏香气和香料味。

2.Color is white, may have shadings of buff, cream or apricot around the ears or on the body.颜色为白色,在耳朵周围或身躯上有浅黄色、奶酪色或杏色阴影。

3.Statistics show that apricot stone's compress variation is not the physical parameter which influence its cracking load greatly.统计分析表明,杏核的压缩变形并不是显著影响其破坏载荷的物理参数;

4.shrubby plant having yellow to apricot flowers with four petals arranged in a cross; southeastern United States: New York to Texas.一种灌木状植物,花黄色到杏黄色、花的四个瓣排列成十字形;产于美国东南部;从纽约到得克萨斯。

5.Fortunately, the north wind with winter apologetic, noisy peach and apricot season in March brought snow Ai, and gained some of my wishes.幸运的是,北风带着冬的歉疚,在三月桃杏喧闹的时节送来皑雪,了却了我一番心愿。

6.A shoe made of apricot leather for the daughter of a czar.一只为沙皇女儿制作的杏仁皮的鞋子。

7.Exquisite apricot distillate is recognizable by an intense taste and the clear color.精美杏馏分油是由强烈的味道识别和清除的颜色。

8.In winter, heavy snow to put on a beautiful apricot and heating and a large cotton-padded jacket, when the apricot snow, and more charming.冬天,大雪给杏树换上了一件美丽又暧和的大棉袄,这时的杏树银装素裹,更加迷人。

9.Apricot Kernel oil is high in Vitamin E which helps skin retain suppleness and elasticity. Skin is left with a luscious, Apricot scent.杏桃核仁精华含有高浓度维他命E,有用令身材皮肤取得深层的润泽及水分,并留下诱人的杏桃芬芳。

10.The black cherry aromas progress through to the palate, combining with a heady mix of apricot, dark chocolate and spicy oak.黑樱桃的风味也充分体现在口感上,并有混有杏子,黑巧克力以及些许辛辣。