





2.步行回家 ... 电话的说法有: telephone /phone 步行回家walking home/going home o…


4.好运来漫步居好韵莱(Lay a good rhyme) 好运来漫步居Walking home)漫步屋(Walk through the house)谐彩天下(Harmonic color th…


1.At midday, I left the garden and began walking home slowly. I was not at all sorry that I had not gone to the country for the weekend.中午时分,我离开公园,缓步回家。我没有想到乡下去渡周末,一点也不觉得遗憾。

2.She said she had been walking home, the children have been picked up.她说她已经步行回家了,孩子也已经接了。

3.Walking home the night sucking her breath, I seem to have returned to the embrace of a child back to his mother.走在故乡的夜里吮吸着她的气息,我仿佛又回到了儿时回到了母亲的怀抱。

4.Mohammed Elhassan, walking home from his local mosque in the Nile city of Wadi Halfa, took out his mobile phone and snapped a few photos.尼罗河畔瓦迪哈勒法小镇的穆罕默德·艾尔哈桑当时正在从清真寺回家的路上,他拿出手机抓拍到了一些照片。

5.I stayed with my uncle whose house was opposite where my grandfather pved, and walking home with him one day we met the doctor.我还去了外公住处对面的舅舅家,陪他呆了些时日,回家时,我们问了医生。

6.He lay in wait for the girl when she was walking home one day and accosted her, begging her to elope with him.一天,在这个女孩回家的路上,他藏起来等着她,和她搭话,求她和他一起私奔。

7.The winter vacation only twenty days a year, it had at least five days, including walking home to their relatives, a happy New Year.整个寒假只有二十多天,这一个年至少得过五天,这包括走亲戚,去他们家拜年。

8.He took his time walking home from Gilder Middle School, weaving past cracks in the sidewalk and mud puddles left behind by the spring thaw.和往常一样,吉米放学后从吉尔德中学步行回家,慢慢绕过人行道上的裂缝和初春解冻后留下的泥坑。

9.While walking home, I tried to correct her attitude, but she would not psten to me.当走回家的时候,我试着改正她的态度,但是她不听我的话。

10.Mark was walking home one day when he bumped his head on a streetpght .有一天,马克走在回家的路上,一头撞上了一根路灯。