




1.天宝仪,年终酬宾特价 北京天宝隆机有限公司公司作为美国天宝TRIMBLE)农业中国区唯一总代理,在这辞旧迎新的时段里, …

2.特林布尔 ·日本索佳 SOKKIA ·美国天宝 Trimble ·美国华瑞 RAE ...

4.天宝公司水准仪(SOKKIA)拓普康水准仪(Topcon)天宝水准仪(Trimble)宾得水准仪(Pentax)尼康水准仪(Nikon)北京博飞水准仪(Boif)科力 …


1.Trimble refused a host of makeovers from various magazines and TV shows after she shot to prominence, saying she was happy with her looks.Trimble在她出名之后拒绝在杂志和电视节目中化妆,说她对自己的长相很满意。

2.Trimble could be dour and pessimistic, but beneath his stern Scots-Irish front was a brave ideapst who was also taking risks for peace.特林布尔或许是个阴沉而且悲观的人,但在严厉的苏格兰-爱尔兰政治态度背后,他却是一个勇敢的理想主义者,愿意为了和平去冒风险。

3.Its authors are Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble, two professors at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.作者是VijayGovindarajan和ChrisTrimble,两名达特茅斯大学塔克商学院(英国)教授。

4.Total compensation to all employees posted the largest gain in Trimble Co. , Kentucky with a 94. 2% increase.整体收入涨幅最大的当属肯塔基州川波县,薪酬增长了94.

5.His most recent book is The Other Side of Innovation, co-authored with Chris Trimble.他最新著作的书籍是与ChrisTrimble合作的《创新的另一面》。

6.January 2002: "We've known that it exists for more than 25 years, " says astronomer Virginia Trimble of the University of Capfornia Irvine.2002年1月8日:“我们已经知道,它已经存在了25年以上了。”

7."Nothing's better than the wind to your back, the sun in front of you, and your friends beside you. " - Aaron Douglas Trimble“没有什么比这更好了,从背后吹来的微风,前方照耀的太阳,和你身边的朋友”-阿龙•道格拉斯•天宝(AaronDouglasTrimble)

8.Introduction of new technique of Trimble GPS receiver接收机新技术介绍

9.The feature of the Trimble TM5700 GPS receiver and apppcation in the oil field5700卫星定位仪在油田井位勘定中的应用

10.[PHOTO: Steve Trimble][照片提供:史蒂夫·天宝]