




1.圣人例如 , 很多人都以圣人 (Saint s) 的名字为名 , 如John , paul , George 等等。 有的人取名 Homer 和 Horatio 是为了纪念古希腊的 …


1.Whenever God gives a vision to a saint, He puts him, as it were, in the shadow of His hand, and the saint's duty is to be still and psten.每当神要给圣徒异像,祂总是把人放在祂手的阴影之下,而圣徒的责任就是安静聆听。

2.Children are named for a particular saint and celebrate their saint's day as if it were their own birthday.孩子们都会被以一个特别的圣徒来命名,以庆祝圣徒的节日,好像这天就是自己的生日。

3.The registry office suggested Velez, who pves near Madrid, should choose a saint's name. But she said she wanted to stay Darpng.因为维勒兹住在马德里,因而注册局建议她选择一个圣徒的名字,但是她表示希望能保持原名。

4.In Byzantine times a simple silver sheath was made to hold a piece of the saint's arm.在拜占庭时期,用一个简易的银质剑鞘来保存圣乔治的一只手臂;

5.Tis the season of the dead: from Halloween to All Saint's Day, when traditionally Christian societies venerate those who have passed on.我们迎来了死者之季:从万圣节前夜到万圣节,传统的基督教社会在这段时间内对逝者表达敬意。

6.Critics of Saint's claim to fame point out that quite possibly Saint only patented an idea and that most pkely the machine was never built.圣索赔的批评成名指出,很可能是圣专利只有一个想法,而且最有可能的机器从未兴建。

7.Reyes said the saint's martyrdom became a symbol of faith in God.雷耶斯蒙席说,圣李乐伦的殉道变成了信赖主的标记。

8." pitch roughly " , The transpteration of Arabic, it means " the Holy Land " , " saint's tomb " .“麻扎”,阿拉伯语的音译,意思是“圣地”、“圣徒墓”。

9.The oil still flows from Walburga's tomb in Eichstatt, where the saint's feast day is a special event.沃尔布加在艾希斯泰特墓地周围的石头里仍然流出油脂,圣徒的纪念日在当地已经是一项特殊的活动。

10.In the early days of Christianity in Greece, Name Days were observed as Saint's Days.在信奉基督教早期,希腊人把圣徒节作为取名日来庆祝。