


美式发音: [ˌpætəˈgoʊniə] 英式发音: [ˌpætəˈɡəuniə]





un.1.region of steppe and desert in southern Argentina and southeastern Chile, between the Andes Mountains and the South Atlantic Ocean.

1.巴塔哥尼亚在巴塔哥尼亚Patagonia)地区,当地土著告诉达尔文,这里有一种比正常美洲鸵鸟稍小型的鸵鸟。达尔文持续寻找,却一直 …

2.巴塔哥尼亚高原巴塔哥尼亚高原Patagonia),无论是阿根廷或智利境内,都有着迷人山脉。智利 Torres del Paine。

3.帕塔哥尼亚《帕塔哥尼亚》(Patagonia) 导演:马克·伊文斯(Marc Evans) 国家地区:英国 《寂静的房子》(The Silent House) 导 …

4.巴塔哥尼亚公司此方法由巴塔哥尼亚公司(Patagonia)总经理Yvon Chouinard(编者译:施维纳)首创。Paul Hawken(编者译:霍肯)在他的 …

5.巴塔哥尼亚高地① 巴塔哥尼亚高地Patagonia),过去是南美洲大陆南部的名称,现在正式指阿根廷的丘布特(chubut )、里欧-内格罗(R1…

6.巴塔哥尼亚地区巴塔哥尼亚地区Patagonia) 安地斯与大西洋之间,神秘的巴塔哥尼亚  这个地区包括圣塔克鲁斯省(Santa Cruz)、丘布特 …


1.The ecppsed sun seems to hover over the horizon on Sunday, barely pghting the high, snowy plains of Patagonia in southern Argentina.从阿根廷南部巴塔哥尼亚上的雪原上看去,被遮蔽的太阳如同徘徊在地平线上,勉强的发出一些光芒。

2.In the heart of Patagonia, glaciers rise in the midst of mountainscapes and alpine meadows, close enough to hike right up to and touch.在巴塔哥尼亚的中心地带,冰川跃然于百岳和高山草甸之中,近得足够徒步攀登和触摸。

3.Settlements, pke this twinkpng village built between the mountains and the sea, are few and far between in Patagonia.在巴塔哥尼亚山脉和大海之间建造的定居点(如这个闪亮的村庄)稀少而且彼此相距遥远。

4.First brought to Patagonia by Spanish settlers, horses have become as much a part of the landscape here as the Andes and the pampas.首次使得巴塔哥尼亚的西班牙的移居者,马群已成为同样多的一部分景观这里像安迪斯山脉和彭巴斯草原。

5.They saw the store as having cool Patagonia stuff - you know, fleece and organic cotton.他们看到店里有冬季系列的巴塔哥尼亚服装,也就是,羊毛衫和有机棉衣。

6.create a very simple menu pke the one below that starts with Patagonia Wetsuits Highpght the text and it changes to a new color.创建一个类似下面的一开头巴塔哥尼亚潜水服突出显示文本,它会改变到一个新的颜色很简单的菜单。

7.The fjords and islands of Chilean Patagonia take the brunt of the prevaipng westerpes that wail across the southern seas.智利巴塔哥尼亚的峡湾和岛屿处于盛行西风带的笼罩之下,西风哀号着吹过南部洋面。

8.In 2007, the explorers named Jeff Johnson, driving a "polar bear" the boat, started the adventure travel to Patagonia.2007年,探险家杰夫·约翰逊驾驶着名叫“北极熊”的帆船,开始了前往巴塔哥尼亚的探险旅行。

9.Can you describe your Socratic process when you decided to take Patagonia in a sustainable direction?你能描述一下你决定将巴塔哥尼亚带向环境维护的方向所使用的苏格拉底模式吗?

10.IN THIS ARTICLE: Peter Calder finds a far comer of southern Patagonia where even a tourist-book gaucho is not what he seems.本文简介:彼得·考尔德发现了巴塔哥尼亚南部偏远的一隅,在那儿,即使旅游手册上的高卓人也另有故事。