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网络释义:巨磁电阻(giant magneto-resistance);巨磁阻(Giant Magneto Resistive);巨磁电阻效应



1.巨磁电阻(giant magneto-resistance)巨磁电阻GMR)效应是指磁性材料的电阻率在有外磁场作用时较之无外磁场作用时存在显著变化的现象展开 编辑本段发现应 …

2.巨磁阻(Giant Magneto Resistive)用巨磁阻GMR)材料制成的读出磁头,其磁盘的存储密度比MR 读出磁 头磁盘的存储密度提高了一个数量级,记录密度达到1…

3.巨磁电阻效应产生巨磁电阻效应GMR)的磁性多层膜最简单的结构为铁磁性膜(几个奈米厚)/非磁性金属膜(约1或2个奈米厚)/铁磁性 …

4.巨磁阻效应(Giant Magneto Resetive)如同巨磁阻效应(GMR),超巨磁阻材料亦被认为可应用於高容量磁性储存装置的读写头。不过,由於其相变温度较低,不像巨 …

5.巨磁阻磁头来源之二是磁头,如今采用巨磁阻磁头GMR)的硬盘容量已经达到了3.5英寸单碟133GB,其对磁轨宽度、每条磁轨上磁翻转 …


1.Of the sale price agreed with Huaneng, the company will receive $225m, with the rest being used to pay off debts in the holding company.在与华能达成的出售价格中,GMR将会收到2.25亿美元,其余将用来偿还控股公司的债务。

2.Without its InterGen stake, the company's only foreign power holdings would be in Nepal, Turkey and Singapore.脱手InterGen股权后,GMR将仅在尼泊尔、土耳其与新加坡拥有外国电力公司的股权。

3.Changing of material resistance with appped magnetic field intensity is called Giant magnetoresistance (GMR).磁电阻效应是指材料的电阻随外加磁场变化而变化的现象。

4.Bank of America Corp. and White & Case LLP acted as financial advisers and legal counsel to GMR, the company said.美国银行集团与美国凯威律师事务所将分别做为GMR集团的财务和法律顾问提供咨询。

5.Chairman G. M. Rao says the company will "focus more on [the] Indian market where GMR is already a market leader. "GMR总裁拉奥(G.M.Rao)表示,GMR将“会把更多的精力放在我们已经取得领导地位的印度市场。”

6.The kind of GMR materials and its feature also are given.巨磁电阻材料的不同类型,描述了其特性;

7.Current study and theoretical explanation of GMR of metalpc multilayer were reviewed, and its study trends were prospected.综述了金属多层膜巨磁电阻效应的研究现状、理论解释,并展望了其研究方向。

8.The GMR also calls for redoubled efforts to speed up the Doha Development Round of trade talks at the World Trade Organization.《全球监测报告》还呼吁加倍努力,加速世界贸易组织的“多哈发展回合”贸易谈判。

9.Today, spins are often made using a filter that exploits the phenomenon of giant magnetoresistance (GMR).目前,科学家一般利用根据巨磁阻效应建造的过滤器来极化电子束流。

10.The best vaccination against a bad ending is 'a long corporate courtship, ' says GMR's Mr. Scholz.GMR的肖尔茨先生表示,避免糟糕分手结局的最佳良药就是“一段长期的公司恋情”。