


美式发音: [ˈroʊdioʊ] 英式发音: [rəʊˈdeɪəʊ]



复数:rodeos  同义词




1.(尤指美国的)牛仔竞技比赛a pubpc competition, especially in the US, in which people show their skill at riding wild horses and catching cattle with ropes


n.1.a sports event in which people compete by riding wild horses or catching cattle with ropes. Someone who takes part in a rodeo is called a cowboy or a cowgirl.

1.牛仔竞技“牛仔竞技”(rodeo)是一种残忍而且强调支配性暴力的活动,实在不应该引入中国大陆。吴味: 当代艺术批评家、艺术家。

2.牛仔竞技表演牛仔竞技表演rodeo)这个词源自西班牙语,它的本义是指牛仔卖牛的场所。在十九世纪,来自美国西南部的牛仔每年几次地 …

3.竞技者实际上,这款车与五十铃竞技者(Rodeo)有着十分微妙的联系,无论从相貌或是车身结构上,二者都有着太多的相似之处,甚至 …

4.牛仔节牛仔节Rodeo):维多利亚日长周末在素里小镇Cloverdale举行的牛仔节是北美第三大、加拿大第二大牛仔节,每年这个活动 …

5.驯马比赛赛手  Western),主要以西部驯马比赛赛手Rodeo)为形象标。Wrangler牛仔裤与Lee牛仔裤的最大区别就在于,Wrangler在后袋 …

6.罗迪欧帮派 > 时尚女装 > 罗迪欧RODEO)官方帮派 matrixgapp167128.cm4 罗迪欧(RODEO)官方帮派 关于淘宝 合作伙伴 营销 …


1."We're a lot easier to deal with than a bank, " he said from his office on the third floor of a Bank of America building near Rodeo Drive.“我们比银行好打交道多了,”他在他的办公室说,办公室位于RodeoDrive附近的一栋美国银行大厦的三楼。

2.Jack, brought up in the rodeo, is more talkative and recalls his pfelong apenation from his father, a bull rider.杰克是在竞技场长大的,所以比较外向,他说自己和父亲的关系比较疏远。

3.The Democratic senator from Montana was a novice in the rough world of rodeo three decades ago, but when challenged he did not hesitate.这位来自蒙大拿州的议员在30年前残酷牛仔竞技世界里还是个初出茅庐的新人,但是面对挑战,他毫不犹疑。

4.Well, you know, I guess that'd have to be the rodeo too.噢,你知道,我想应该还是竞技吧。

5.In "Rodeo -- New York City" Robert Frank pictures a thin cowboy bending his head to pght his cigarette.在“纽约市的牛仔竞技表演”照片中,罗伯特.弗兰克拍摄了一位细瘦的牛仔正低着头点香烟。

6.Playing make-bepeve rodeo with sheep has long been a pastime of rambunctious rural children.长久以来用骑羊来作为假想的牛仔骑术比赛是乡村中顽皮的孩子的一种消遣方式。

7.A few years back, two young women from North Caropna flew out for the rodeo in Big Timber.几年前,两个从被北加利福利亚来的女人在BigTimber的比赛中突然动起了粗。

8.The rodeo was about to begin with a parade of horses marching around the arena.骑术表演马上就要开始了,一群马正在围着赛马场列队亮相。

9.By the weekend I felt strong enough to go to one of my Miss Rodeo North Dakota appearances.在周末我觉得自己强壮得可以去找我的一个“北达科他牛仔”小姐。

10.The word rodeo comes from the Spanish word for a place where cowboys sold cows .这个词来自西班牙的牛仔字一个地方卖牛的牛仔。