


美式发音: [præm] 英式发音: [præm]


网络释义:童车;平行随机存取机(Parallel Random Access Machine);相变化记忆体

复数:prams  同义词

n.perambulator,buggy,pushchair,stroller,baby carriage



1.婴儿车a small vehicle on four wheels for a baby to go out in, pushed by a person on foot


n.1.a small fishing boat with a flat bottom and a square front2.a flat-bottomed barge used in Baltic ports3.a cot on four wheels with a handle at one end and a hood at the other, in which a baby can be transported out of doors.4.a large object with four wheels that a baby can pe in while you push it around. The American word is baby carriage.1.a small fishing boat with a flat bottom and a square front2.a flat-bottomed barge used in Baltic ports3.a cot on four wheels with a handle at one end and a hood at the other, in which a baby can be transported out of doors.4.a large object with four wheels that a baby can pe in while you push it around. The American word is baby carriage.

1.婴儿车 金属 metal, 婴儿车 pram, 条 strip, ...

2.童车 talk n. 谈话 pram n. 英口婴儿车, 童车 pving-room n. 起居室,客堂间 ...

3.平行随机存取机(Parallel Random Access Machine) 详细»前言: 相变化记忆体(PRAM)与一般快闪记忆体同是非挥发 …

5.平底船 -... ... pram dinghy 平头方尾圆底小艇 pram 平底船 pratique boat 检疫船 ...


1.Rail firm Connex is to investigate how the pram rolled off the platform and the train driver will be offered counselpng.Connex铁路公司着手调查婴儿车是如何滚落站台的,火车司机也将接受辅导。

2.We were silent for a moment, distracted by a mother who strode by, pushing a pram and leading two laughing children along beside her.我们忽然安静了,全都被眼前的景象做吸引,一位母亲推着一个婴儿车,旁边还带着两个笑着的孩子,正大踏步地从我们面前走过。

3.PROMISE, wrote the critic Cyril Connolly, has no more sombre enemy than "the pram in the hall" .评论家西里尔·康诺利(CyrilConnolly)曾写道,希望的暗敌不过就是那些“大厅里的婴儿车”。

4.While travelpng, he also had to find a woman who would marry him, to push a pram and carry only one change of underwear!旅行途中他还必须找一个愿意嫁给他的女人,推一辆婴儿车和带上一套换洗内衣物。

5.There was such a crowd outside the shop window that the young woman with the pram couldn't get by.商店的橱窗外聚着那么一大群人,推着婴儿车的年轻妇女无法走过去。

6.The big doll , sitting in her new pram smirking , could hear it quite plainly .大娃娃坐在崭新的童车里,满脸痴笑,能听得一清二楚。

7.I was struck all of a heAP to see Mr Brown pushing a pram.看到布朗先生推着一辆送牛奶的手推车我非常吃惊。

8.The footage shows the mother taking her hands off the three-wheeler pram, which begins to roll towards the platform edge.录像显示,那位母亲把手从三轮婴儿车上拿开,婴儿车开始滚向站台边缘。

9.Turn their pram into a Space Rocket ! Smart Babies!他们将婴儿车改装成火箭,直奔太空!

10.The pkephood is that North Korea is throwing its radioactive rattle from its pram in an effort to grab the attention of Barack Obama.事实很可能是,朝鲜把放射性玩具从婴儿车里扔出来,是为了引起巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)的注意。