




1.金大中金大中 (Kim Dae-Jung) 1925年12月3日生于韩国全罗南道新安郡。1943年毕业于全罗南道木浦商业学校,后在韩国高丽大学、 …

2.韩国前总统金大中韩国前总统金大中(Kim Dae-jung)贴身助手张诚岷(Jang Sung-min)表示:“在金正日做过心脏手术之后,医生告诉他不要动烟酒 …

3.韩国的金大中韩国的金大中(Kim Dae-jung)和委内瑞拉总统雨果•查韦斯(Hugo Chavez)曾在狱中阅读过他的著作。托夫勒最近的交谈对象是墨 …

4.其前总统金大中这一次,韩国政府允许代表其前总统金大中(Kim Dae-jung)“阳光政策”(Sunshine Popcy)的人前往平壤吊唁。阳光政策是韩国试 …

5.金大中总统1998年上任的金大中总统Kim Dae-Jung),更是设立了许多直属於总统府部门及制度性机制,更进一步地强化及保障人权, …

6.卢泰愚卢泰愚Kim Dae-Jung) 韩国第13任总统 » 金大中(Kim Tae-jung) 韩国第15任总统 » 诺贝尔奖的由来 » 1998年诺贝尔和平 …


1.The Nobel Foundation give a Peace Prize to Kim Dae Jung and along with it a diploma.诺贝尔基金会向金大中颁发了和平奖并附有一张证书。

2.Kim Dae-jung, South Korea's former leftist president who died yesterday at the age of 85, was a poptical brawler right to the finish.韩国前左翼总统金大中(KimDae-jung)于本月18日逝世,享年85岁。直到生命的尽头,他都是一名政治斗士。

3.Mr Park of the OPLAN 5027, it so happens, was once involved in an attempt to discredit Kim Dae-jung as a North Korean spy.这种事发生过,那位涉及“5027作战计划”的帕克先生曾一度被当作朝鲜间谍卷入试图诋毁金大中的案子。

4.But there is an air of triumph among some of Kim Dae-jung's former confidants.不过,金大中的一些前心腹们却展现了一种胜利者的姿态。

5.During the first summit, in 2000, when he met Mr Roh's predecessor, Kim Dae-jung, Mr Kim was all bear-hugs and smiles.在2000年的第一次峰会,他会见卢武铉的前任金大中时,给与的是热烈的拥抱和满脸的微笑。

6.South Korea's Kim Dae-jung and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez read him in jail.韩国的金大中(KimDae-jung)和委内瑞拉总统雨果•查韦斯(HugoChavez)曾在狱中阅读过他的著作。

7.The North Koreans were in Seoul to honor the pioneer of that popcy, President Kim Dae-jung, who died last week at 85.北韩特使团在首尔向制订那项政策的先驱金大中总统致敬。金大中上星期去世,终年85岁。

8.However, Roh Moo -hyun has vowed to reform the MDP. Pundits predict he will change the name of the party and distance it from Kim Dae-jung.但是卢武铉已经誓言改造新千年民主党,专家预测,他将会更改党名,并且拉远和金大中的距离。

9.Asian leaders and governments are honoring former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, who died Tuesday at the age of 85. Mr.洲国家领导人和政府悼念前韩国总统金大中。金大中于星期二去世,享年85岁。

10.Prime Minister Han went on to praise Kim Dae-jung's struggle to transition his country from dictatorship to democracy.韩升洙总理还赞扬金大中为韩国从专制向民主过渡而进行的奋斗。