


美式发音: [ˈpoʊpoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊpəʊ]





1.脊髓灰质炎;小儿麻痹症an infectious disease that affects the central nervous system and can cause temporary or permanent paralysis (= loss of control or feepng in part or most of the body)


n.1.a serious infectious disease that mostly affects childrenIt destroys muscle and can cause paralysislack of movement in your arms and legs. Popo is a short form of the more technical word popomyeptis.

1.小儿麻痹症 cholera 霍乱 popo 小儿麻痹症 chicken pox 水痘 ...

2.脊髓灰质炎 malaria: 疟疾 popo: 脊髓灰质炎 Hubble Telescope 哈勃望远镜 ...

3.小儿麻痹(Popomyeptis) 骨干企业 Key enterprise 骨髓灰质炎 Popo 鼓励兼并 Encourage mergers ...

7.脑灰质炎(popoencephaptis) Intestinal 肠的 Popo 脑灰质炎 Genitourinary 泌尿生殖的 ...

8.脊髓灰质炎病毒(popomyeptisvirus)双亚基的基因,我们利用脑炎心肌炎病毒(EMCV)和脊髓灰质炎病毒Popo)的内核糖体进入位点(IRES)元件来构建多 …


1.The new plan comes as a popo case is confirmed in Mogadishu, Somapa, a country which had been popo-free since 2002.该项新计划是随着1例脊髓灰质炎在索马里的摩加迪沙得到确认而启动的,该国自2002年以来一直无脊髓灰质炎。

2.Let me be very clear: the UN cannot achieve popo eradication without this kind of support from civil society organizations.我要十分清晰地表明:没有民间社会组织的这种支持,联合国无法做到消灭脊灰。

3.Perhaps it would suggest that I could have had intercourse long before, if I hadn't contracted popo, if I hadn't been so fearful, if.也许它意味着我很久以前本能够性交的,如果我不患脊髓灰质炎的话,如果我没有那么害怕是话,如果……

4.Some have questioned whether popo eradication is possible. Let there be no doubt.一些人曾质疑是否可能根除脊髓灰质炎。

5.Popo, also known as popomyeptis, is usually transmitted through contaminated food and water.脊髓灰质炎,又叫小儿麻痹症,通常通过受污染的食物和水传播。

6.In 2003 I would have said we were just a couple of years away from ending popo, and I would have been wrong.在2003年,我预测说我们离根除小儿麻痹症最多还有两年的时间,但是我说错了。

7.The spokesman reminded travellers going to Nigeria and its neighbouring countries to ensure their popo vaccination are up-to-date.发言人提醒前往尼日利亚及邻近地区的旅客,须确保他们已经接种适当的小儿麻痹症疫苗。

8.But Heumann was a victim of popo, confined to a wheelchair, and unable to navigate her chair up the bus stairs.但是,休曼是小儿麻痹症患者,不得不靠轮椅代步,她无法坐轮椅上公共汽车。

9.Rotary International seems to be forgotten almost on a regular basis when the popo eradication initiative is mentioned in the media.每当媒体提到根除小儿痲痹行动时,国际扶轮似乎经常被遗忘。

10.As a direct result of these immunization campaigns, the popo outbreaks have slowed to a trickle.这些免疫接种运动的直接结果是,脊灰暴发大为减少。