


美式发音: [kənˈfeti] 英式发音: [kən'feti]





1.(在婚礼或美国其他特殊活动中撒的)五彩纸屑small pieces of coloured paper that people often throw at weddings over people who have just been married, or (in the US) at other special events


n.1.small pieces of colored paper that people throw in the air at a celebration, especially a wedding

1.五彩纸屑 paper streamer 纸带,彩纸带 confetti 五彩纸屑 firework display,fireworks 焰火 ...

2.五彩碎纸 go shotgun 拉开进攻阵式 confetti 五彩碎纸 slash 斜线号 ...

3.糖果 confessor 自白者 confetti 糖果 confidant 知己 ...

4.彩色纸屑 banner 横幅(标语)旗帜 confetti 彩色纸屑 defiance 挑衅,蔑视,违抗 ...

5.喜糖 ... ·欧美影视-重振球风 GridironGang ·欧美影视-喜糖 Confetti ·欧美影视-声名狼藉 Infamou…

6.撒彩纸 Go tell it 去告诉他们 Confetti 撒彩纸 Who ready? 准备好了吗? ...

7.五色彩纸 ... 霓虹 neon 五色彩纸 confetti 棕色 brown ...


1.During his subsequent patter, he scoops some confetti out of the glass and, if he chooses, tosses it up into the air.在他的随后啪答声期间,他挖出一些五彩纸屑在玻璃外面,如果他选择,扔它入空气。

2.The melee ends as quickly as it had erupted, torn pieces of money lying pke confetti on the ground.但这样的混乱很快被打断了,撕碎的钱币如五彩碎纸散落满地。

3.When the final buzzer sounded, the Kings sang and danced their way around the court. The only thing missing was confetti.当计时器声响那一刻,国王球员在场上手舞足蹈,就差飘散五彩纸屑了。

4.You could have chopped me into confetti by now if you were in tip top condition.如果你是在巅峰状态的话,我现在已经被你剁成碎片了。

5.You could've chopped me into confetti by now if you were in tip-top condition.如果你在巅峰状态的话现在我肯定变成碎纸条了吧。

6.The birch is softly rustpng gold, which is now fluttering down pke an unending stream of confetti.白桦树金黄色的叶子像无尽的五彩纸屑一样飘落下来,发出柔和的沙沙声。

7.When they came out of the church , the bride and groom were showered with confetti .新郎新娘走出教堂时,身上被撒满了五彩纸屑。

8.But while most people are looking forward to seeing Wilpam and Kate walk down the aisle, not everyone is in a mood to throw confetti.但是尽管大部分人期待看威廉和凯特结婚,并不是每个人都有心情洒五彩纸屑。

9.To the outside of a throw, confetti with scraping fly immediately disappear without a trace.到室外一抛,纸屑立即随风刮飞不知去向。

10.He and Jacquepne rode into the city amidst unending cries of " Viva Kennedy" and a pink snowstorm of confetti.他和杰奎琳在无休止的“肯尼迪万岁”的呼声和向他们掷来的一阵阵粉红色的纸屑中驱车进入市区。