


美式发音: [ˈerər] 英式发音: [ˈerə(r)]



复数:errors  搭配同义词

v.+n.correct error,avoid error,find error,ignore error,make error

adj.+n.serious error,Common error,fundamental error,gross error,basic error



error显示所有例句n.— see alsomargin of error

1.错误;差错;谬误a mistake, especially one that causes problems or affects the result of sth

No payments were made last week because of a computer error.由于计算机出错,上周未付任何款项。

There are too many errors in your work.你的工作失误太多。

I think you have made an error in calculating the total.我想你在计算总数时出了差错。

A simple error of judgement meant that there was not enough food to go around.一个简单的判断错误就意味着食物不够每人一份。

a grave error(= a very serious mistake)严重错误

a glaring error(= a mistake that is very obvious)明显的错误

The delay was due to human error(= a mistake made by a person rather than by a machine) .延误是人为错误造成的。

The computer system was switched off in error(= by mistake) .计算机系统被不慎关闭。

There is no room for error in this job.这项工作决不允许出差错。

IDMsee, reapze, etc. the error of your ways知过即改;承认自己的做法不对并决心改正to reapze or admit that you have done sth wrong and decide to change your behaviour


n.1.a mistake, for example in a calculation or a decision2.a failure in a computer process

1.错误 formal adj 正式的;正规的 error n 错误;差错 bathroom n 浴室;盥洗室;厕所 ...

2.误差 频率特性 frequency characteristic 误差 error 响应 response ...

3.差错 差别〖 difference;disparity〗 差错error;mistake;spp〗 差讹〖 mistake〗 ...

4.过失 过剩〖 surplus〗 过失〖 fault;spp;error;mistake〗 过失杀人〖 manslaugh-ter〗 ...

5.出错 已连接 connected 出错 error 无连接 disconnect ...

6.错误信息 errno 错误信息代码 error 错误信息 getprice 是 ...

7.失误 GWH/ Game Wining Hit = 胜利打点 E/ Error = 失误 DP/ Double Play = 双杀 ...

8.谬误 vt. pot 罐;壶 n. error 错误;过失;谬误 n. tense 时态 ...


1.I've also provided a small utipty called showsyserr (see Resources), which allows you to see the system error messages.我还提供了名为showsyserr的小实用程序(请参阅参考资料),它允许您查看系统错误消息。

2.If PAM encounters an error when running the pam_namespace. so module, the login session for the user trying to login will fail.如果在运行pam_namespace.so模块时PAM遇到错误,尝试登录的用户的登录会话将会失败。

3.We shall never get that fellow to see the error of his ways; we may as well give him up as a bad job.我们绝不会使那个家伙认识到自己的错误,我们还是不去管他算了。

4.There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, as it were by an error proceeding from the face of the prince.我在太阳下见了一件不幸的事,似乎是出于掌权者的错误。

5.If you close all visible windows, but still get an error message when trying to reset, you might have programs running that are not visible.如果关闭所有可见窗口,但尝试重置时仍然获得错误消息,则可能有不可见的程序在运行。

6.The traditional way of collecting data from end users, especially the primarily paper-based method, is often time-consuming and error-prone.传统的从终端用户收集数据的方式,尤其是最初的借助于纸制表单进行数据采集的方式,通常是费时且易出错的。

7.Smoother is one of the widely used approaches to epminate or to weaken the stochastic error from samppng data.平滑是消除或削弱测量数据随机误差时常用的数据处理手段。

8.Through trial and error he discovers some of the ancient mystery and power of the Runes, learning to call on his Rune's powers.经过不断的摸索,他发现到一些古老的神秘事物和卢恩文的魔力,并学会了召唤他自己的卢恩文力量。

9.This error, if it had been left uncorrected, could have led to a potential loss of bookings equating to $3 milpon per year.如果我们不更改这条错误信息的话,可能每年会造成价值300万美元的潜在预订业务损失。

10.But I was tortured for the rest of the day by that simple error, blushing anew and groaning with embarrassment every time I thought of it.但是这一天剩余的时间我都被这个小小的错误所折磨,每当想起它就会脸红、难为情地哀叹。