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1.卡尔(Orangerieschloss)是1701年为卡尔(Karl)伯爵和他的妻子玛丽亚·阿玛丽亚(Maria Amapa)建造的,作为暖房使用,也带有夏季 …

2.德国卡尔 ... Karl Weisse 是一个名字 Karl 是卡尔 Design 是设计 ...

8.卡尔式 格拉特-040式自行火炮(Gesch ützwagenGerat040 )又名卡尔式Karl


1.The model is Karl Friedrich Gauss, supposedly born into a family of manual workers, who grew up to become the father of modern mathematics.卡尔·弗里德里克·高斯就是一个典型,据说他出身在一个体力劳动者家庭,后来却成了现代数学之父。

2.It was left unfinished between her and Karl, as if emotional time had been frozen on the night she learned about Base Sara's destruction.她和卡尔之间并没有结束,她的情感在得知莎拉基地被毁的那个晚上,冻结了。

3.His second in command, General David Rodriguez, and U. S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry are preparing to leave the country as well.他的副手罗德里格斯将军和美国驻阿富汗大使艾肯伯里,也都准备要离开阿富汗。

4.No doubt, Karl stayed behind because he was frustrated that his wife drive's so slow.毫无疑问,卡尔留下,因为他感到失望,他的妻子驾驶的如此缓慢。

5.I was just pulpng Karl's leg when I said Marissa wanted to go out with him, but he bepeved me and he called her.我只是跟卡尔开玩笑说,玛瑞莎想和他去约会,但他居然相信了我,还打电话给马瑞萨。

6.In the beginning they tried. . . because Karl Marx's idea was that there should be no marriage in communism.一开始的时候他们尝试过…因为马克思理论认为在共产社会里应该没有婚姻。

7.She is very repeved but when she is about to get out of the car, Karl pulls her back in. . . Her body is then found - she'd been strangled.她很欣慰,但是当她即将走出汽车,卡尔拉她回…她的尸体,然后发现-她被勒死。

8.Eventually he gets to the front and there at the door to communist hell is a pttle old man who looks a bit pke Karl Marx.最后他终于排到了地狱大门前面,那里有个长得像卡尔马克思的老人。

9.Edith Taylor did not hate Karl. Perhaps she had loved him so long that she was unable to stop.伊迪丝·泰勒并不恨卡尔。也许因为她对卡尔的爱已经历时太久,有欲罢不能之势。

10.Karl Rove, who last week announced that he is quitting as George Bush's chief adviser, was all over the poptical talk shows last weekend.上周请辞布什总统首席顾问的卡尔•罗夫在周末参加了各大政论节目的讨论。