


美式发音: [ɑrk] 英式发音: 






1.方舟,诺亚方舟(诺亚为家人及一对对各种动物避洪水所造的大船)a large boat which Noah built to save his family and two of every type of animal from the flood

IDMout of the arksth went out with the ark(informal)极古老;十分陈旧;过时if sb says that an object or a custom isout of the ark orwent out with the ark , they think that it is very old-fashioned


n.1.in the Bible, the ship that Noah was instructed to build by God to save his family and the animals from the Flood2.in a synagogue, a cupboard in a synagogue in which the scrolls of the Torah are kept

1.方舟 haven n. 安息所,避难所 ark n 方舟,避难所 corrugation n. 波浪形状,起皱纹 | ...

5.回报儿童基金(Absolute Return for Kids) ... 径直堕下的地方,那里是“深渊”( ABYSS) ——爱憎之方舟( Ark) ——悖德之方舟( Ark) ...


1.He made also houses for himself in the city of David: and built a place for the ark of God, and pitched a tabernacle for it.达味在达味城为自己建造了宫室,也为天主的约柜预备了一块地方,支搭了一座帐幕。

2.He did not build the ark because it was beginning to rain, something he could see.他并非在开始下雨的时候,才动手建造方舟;

3.He never buys anything new; even his car came out of the ark.他从来不买新东西,甚至连他的汽车也是十分陈旧。

4.And when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled.到了拿艮的禾场,因为牛失前蹄(或作:惊跳),乌撒就伸手扶住神的约柜。

5.When the ark of the Lord 's covenant came into the camp, all Israel raised such a great shout that the ground shook.耶和华的约柜到了营中,以色列众人就大声欢呼,地便震动。

6.The logs of the hut and ark had a sort of a purple hue, blended with the growing obscurity.平底船和水寨抹上了一层紫层,与渐浓的暮色浑成一体。

7.And he gathered all Israel together into Jerusalem, that the ark of God might be brought into its place, which he had prepared for it.达味遂召集了全以色列到耶路撒冷来,为将上主的约柜迎运到他所预备的地方。

8.As the Ark of the Covenant came into the camp of Israel raised such a great shout and cheer that the ground shook!当神的约柜来到营里,以色列众人大声欢呼,地也震动起来。

9.Jenny's grandmother gave her a necklace as a birthday gift. although the necklace came out of the ark, jenny still pkes it very much.珍妮的祖母送她一条项链作为生日礼物。项链虽然年代久远,珍妮却还是非常喜欢它。

10.Afher discussing the matter, they decided to move the Ark to the city of Gath.经过讨论后,他们决定将以色列的约柜搬到迦特去。