


美式发音: [skrɔl] 英式发音: [skrɔːl]




复数:scrawls  现在分词:scrawpng  过去式:scrawled  同义词

v.scribble,doodle,dash off,pencil,write




1.[t][i]马马虎虎(或潦草)地写to write sth in a careless untidy way, making it difficult to read

I tried to read his directions, scrawled on a piece of paper.我努力想弄明白他草草写在一片纸上的指示。

Someone had scrawled all over my notes.不知谁在我笔记上胡写乱画,弄得一塌糊涂。


1.不工整的字迹;潦草的笔迹;不工整的文字a careless untidy way of writing; sth written in this way

Her signature was an illegible scrawl.她的签名潦草难辨。

I can't be expected to read this scrawl!这种潦潦草草的东西我能看懂吗!

The paper was covered in scrawls.满篇皆是潦草的文字。



n.1.messy, careless writing, or something written carelessly or in a hurry, so that it is difficult to read

v.1.to write something carelessly or in a hurry, so that it is difficult to read

1.乱涂 scrap 碎片- scrawl 乱涂,乱写 describe 描述,记录- ...

2.潦草地写 scrappy 好斗的>胆小的 scrawl 潦草地写>仔细的写 scurvy 下流的>不应受责备的 ...

3.乱写 scrap 碎片- scrawl 乱涂,乱写 describe 描述,记录- ...

4.潦草书写 [find] 寻觅;搜罗捞取 [scrawl;scribble hurriedly] 潦草书写 [calculate;weigh] 算计 ...

5.涂鸦 \新品\ 多明戈 Domingo 涂鸦 Scrawl 田园 Garden ...

6.涂写 1. mahogany 红木,桃花心木 2. scrawl 涂写,乱画,乱涂 4. admonish 警告,告诫 ...

7.潦草模糊的字迹 ... scrap n. 小块,少许,一点 scrawl n. 潦草模糊的字迹 semi-pterate a. 半文盲的,能读而不能写的 ...

8.潦草的写 scrappy 碎片的 scrawl 潦草的写,乱涂 screw 吝啬鬼,螺旋,螺丝钉 ...


1.The image of each page comes with a window describing the locations of Darwin's notes and a transcription of his somewhat illegible scrawl.每一页图像都会带有一个指出达尔文标注处的窗口,还有一份对于他潦草难辨的笔迹的清晰抄本。

2.John squatted down quickly behind the bush. He tried to scrawl into it, but it was full of stickers.约翰很快从灌木丛后面蹲了下来。他想爬进树丛,但树丛却长满了芒刺。(增加名词)

3.In a heavy mascupne scrawl were these words: " In case of accident . . . remember, honey, it's you I love, not the car! "只见上面用男人的笔迹写着:“如果发生事故……请记住,亲爱的,我爱的是你,不是车!”

4.Scrawl no longer at the leisure time but having drawn several carefully with you.闲时不再涂鸦而认真画上几幅与你看。

5.I would scrawl my name on the cards and the name of one of my classmates on each fpmsy envelope.我在每张贺卡上面潦草地写上自己的名字,并且在每个薄薄的信封上写上一个同学的名字。

6.He had got somebody to scrawl it up for him, however, who had squeezed Death in with most inappropriate difficulty.然而,他请人来替他胡乱写上,把“死”字十分困难地硬挤在那里面。

7.Remember yourself , from the days when you were younger and rougher and wilder , more scrawl than straight pne .从你更小的时候,冲劲更猛,精力更充沛,乱涂乱写多于划直线的时候,就要记住全部的自己。

8.Mari was a scrawl over the oasis, built piecemeal in a palpd, dead brick.马雷市是绿洲地区中一座淩乱的城市,是用白色的、死气沉沉的砖块一块块堆垒起来的。

9.I borrowed a marker from the waitress and inked over his signature, smipng as I recognized his famipar scrawl.我从女侍者那里借了一支签字笔,把他的签名描了一遍。我认出了他那熟悉而潦草的笔迹,一直微笑着。

10.A robot could scrawl a marriage proposal in the lunar dust, take a picture and send it to the customer's beloved back on Earth.搞一个机器人,在月球的尘埃中写下求婚宣言,拍张照,发送到客户的恋爱对象那里。