

bush meat

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n.1.the flesh of wild animals killed for food

1.丛林肉 ... 2. war-torn area 受战火摧残的地区 3. bush meat 野生动物肉,野味 4. wipe out 消灭,彻底摧毁 ...

4.丛林大餐「丛林大餐」(Bush meat)在加彭东部的雨林里,可说是珍馐佳肴。小羚羊、豪猪甚至某些啮齿类动物都是可以吃的,但黑猩 …

5.野生肉类非法的狩猎品充斥泛滥在市场上,称之为价格低廉的「野生肉类」(bush meat)。设置陷阱的盗猎者一度是为了象牙和犀牛角…


1.We used to hunt bush meat together as kids, huh? Baboons, they were the hardest to catch. They're. . . They're cunning. Cunning creatures.我和他在孩提时曾经一起在树林打猎狒狒,它们是最难抓的,他们很狡猾。

2.Wild animals are often killed illegally for bush meat. The shacks by the flower farms sell impala meat to the hard-pressed workers.人们为了能够享受美味会非法屠杀野生动物,在鲜花种植区附近的小铺子就有黑斑羚鲜肉卖给那些苦命的工人。

3.They are often hunted as bush meat, and many Africans consider them to be a depcacy.它们经常被作为丛林肉而遭到猎杀,很多非洲人把它们当做美味。

4.She also founded sanctuaries for chimps who could be freed from captivity, including many orphaned by the bush-meat trade.珍还设立了若干个保护区,专门收养那些从囚笼中被解救出来的黑猩猩和那些因丛林肉食交易而沦为孤儿的小黑猩猩们。

5.The scientists bepeve that the virus spread from chimps to humans most pkely through bush meat hunters.科学家们认为这种病毒由黑猩猩传播给人类很可能是从丛林狩猎者开始的。

6.A new species of antelope was found on sale at a West African bush meat market.新发现的羚羊,则是在西非的肉市场里发现的。

7.A black colobus monkey is roasted for sale at an illegal bush-meat market in Gabon.加蓬的一个非法野味市场上,一只黑疣猴正被烧烤待售。

8.In Gabon the government is considering giving village associations a legal monopoly on selpng bush meat to outside traders.而在中非的加蓬共和国,政府正在考虑授予乡村协会独家经营野生肉类的合法垄断权。

9.Who, for instance, would regulate a trade in bush meat?比如说,谁又能站出来好好地规划并管制一下野味的贸易?

10.Around the same time, bush-meat sales increased in Malabo.与此同时马拉博的丛林肉销售量猛增。