




1.奶瓶 milk 乳,牛奶 milk bottle 奶瓶 milk bottle brush 奶瓶刷 ...

2.牛奶瓶 milk bottle seapng machine 奶瓶封瓶机 milk bottle 牛奶瓶 milk can 牛奶罐 ...


4.奶瓶栽培植物 ... 光学鼠标图片 Optical Mouse 奶瓶子图片 Milk bottle 损坏了的国会图片 Broken House ...

6.奶瓶类 Milk Bottle Brush 奶瓶刷类 Milk Bottle 奶瓶类 MILK POWED BOX 奶粉盒 ...

7.牛奶瓶储钱罐 milk bottle 牛奶瓶储钱罐0899-黄 ...


1.The utipty model relates to a milk bottle, in particular to a milk bottle capable of displaying temperature.本实用新型涉及一种奶瓶,特别是一种可显示温度的奶瓶。

2.Mr Thomson's descriptive powers are deft: "The air is watery and grey, the colour of an empty milk bottle. "汤姆森的描写手法非常灵活:“空气给人的感觉是平淡而灰白,那颜色就像是空牛奶瓶。”

3.Every one of them had a milk bottle in their hand. they drank milk happily.每个人都有一个奶瓶在他们的手上。他们愉快的喝了牛奶。

4.he's walked 80. 95 miles with a milk bottle on his head.他头顶着一个牛奶瓶走了80.95英里

5.The milk bottle can correctly determine the temperature, and has clear basis for feeding milk with appropriate temperature to babies.这样的奶瓶能正确测定温度,对婴儿喂食合适温度的奶液有明确的依据。

6.Objective To evaluate the cpnical effects of Flour Protector in treatment of teeth with early milk bottle primary caries.目的探讨用氟保护漆治疗乳切牙早期奶瓶龋的临床效果。

7.You can also add one teaspoon of green leafy vegetable juice to your baby's milk bottle once in two days.你也可以两天一次地加上一茶匙的绿叶蔬菜汁到你宝宝的奶瓶上。

8.Always you will put out the milk bottle please, before you go to bed, and in the morning you will please bring in the bread.睡觉前一定想着把奶瓶放出去,到了早上一定记着把面包端进来。

9.And you forgot to put out the milk bottle!第三,你还忘了把奶瓶放出去!

10.However, she stopped crying as soon as I passed her the milk bottle, and started drinking by holding the bottle herself.当自己把牛奶地杯子给她,她才不哭啦,本身抱着奶瓶喝起来。