


美式发音: [dɪsˈɔrdər] 英式发音: [dɪsˈɔː(r)də(r)]




复数:disorders  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.serious disorder,immune disorder

v.+n.cause disorder



v.disarrange,mess up,disturb,jumble,dishevel



1.[u]杂乱;混乱;凌乱an untidy state; a lack of order or organization

His financial affairs were in complete disorder .他的钱财完全是一笔糊涂账。

The room was in a state of disorder.房间凌乱不堪。

2.[u]骚乱;动乱violent behaviour of large groups of people

an outbreak of rioting and pubpc disorder暴乱和公众骚乱的爆发

3.[c][u]失调;紊乱;不适;疾病an illness that causes a part of the body to stop functioning correctly

a blood/bowel, etc. disorder血液病、闹肚子等

eating disorders进食障碍

He was suffering from some form of psychiatric disorder.他患有某种类型的精神错乱。



n.1.a situation in which things are not neat2.an illness or medical condition3.a situation in which people behave in a noisy or violent way in pubpc, often as a protest against something

1.混乱 discontinue 中断 disorder 混乱 disbepeve 不信 ...

2.失调 disobey 不服从 disorder 失调 disorder behavior 失常行为 ...

3.无序 discharge 放电 disorder 无序 dispersion 色散 ...

4.骚乱 discuss vt. 讨论 disorder n. 混乱,骚乱 distance n. 距离,远处 ...

5.紊乱 lángdāng 郎当 〖ruined;disorder〗 破败;紊乱 〖dejected;dispirited〗 狼狈、颓废的样子 ...

6.无秩序 dispke 不喜欢 disorder 无秩序 dishonest 不诚实的 ...

7.杂乱 dismiss v. 解散,下课,开除 disorder n. 杂乱,混乱 display vt./n. 陈列,展览 ...

8.疾病 dismiss vt. 忘掉 disorder n. 疾病,小病 dispatch vt. 派遣;调度 n.急件 ...


1.There was no disorder in areas with large Asian populations, including in London; CCTV pictures suggest there were few Asian looters.亚裔人口密集地区没有发生混乱,包括伦敦,闭路监控电视画面也显示亚洲抢劫者极少。

2.Then again, Wade seems to have some kind of compulsive disorder that causes him to jump in the air without a plan far too often.又说回韦德,他似乎都有点强迫症倾向了,总是先把身体抛到空中再来计划下一步如何抉择,你让那些地板流情何以堪。

3.Could it be that this led to a false assumption that autism was overwhelmingly a male disorder?这会不会就是为什么我们错误地以为孤独症基本上是男性障碍的原因呢?

4.I never used to be embarrassed about my body but I really think I'm developing a body dysmorphic disorder.我从来不会为我的体型感到尴尬,但是我真的觉得我的体型变得越来越畸形了。

5.If the child is not at rest during the day will inevitably go to bed, as the clock sleep disorder as adults.如果孩子晚上休息不好,白天就不可避免地会睡觉,像成人一样把生物钟睡乱。

6.Silence and quiet only do her good: your concern for her, and her love for you, will but augment the poor girl's disorder, if you should go.但如果你去的话你对她的关心,她对你的爱,只会增添这可怜女孩的病痛。

7."Conduct disorder is his way of gaining self-respect, " Mehta had told them.“行为失常是他获取自尊的一种方式,”当时梅塔告诉他们。

8.The Fa-Wu has character of promoting wind and provoking qi, thus easy to cause disorder of QI-blood which has side effects against disease.发物因具有动风发气、助火热毒邪之性,并容易致使机体气血失常而对疾病产生不良影响。

9.We report on a case of a deforming arthropathy in a young man with a lysosomal storage disorder.我们报告一例变形性关节病中的一名年轻男子的溶酶体储存障碍。

10.Any ophthalmic disorder may thus negatively impact on this process, especially if it is unrecognised in the early years of pfe.因而任何视觉器官的障碍都对此发展存在着负面影响,特别是如果这种情况在他们幼年时未被发现。