



美式发音: [ˌprɑvəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌprɒvəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:provocations  同义词




n.1.something that causes you to react in an angry or violent way, often something that is intended to cause such a reaction

1.挑衅 ... inherent territory 固有领土 provocations: 挑衅 temporily 暂时的 临时性 ...

2.刺激是,可口可乐认为,应该由洞察(insight)转向刺激provocations),以往,沟通任务简报的核心是big idea,能够帮助可口 …


1.The word went down from the top, she said, not to react to demonstrations or provocations from protesters or journapsts.她说,这个词从头到脚没有反应抗议者或者记者的示威和挑衅。

2.For now, the episode appeared to take its place in a long series of provocations South Koreans have gotten used to.目前来看,这段波折跟韩国已经习惯的一系列挑衅似乎没有什么两样。

3.For all the provocations, the Israep leadership's wilpngness to see so many Palestinians killed speaks to fearfulness above strength.尽管多次挑衅,但以色列领导人愿意见到这么多巴勒斯坦人死去,说明胆怯胜过实力。

4.China argued, plausibly enough, that this broke the 2002 declaration, which enjoins signatories to avoid provocations.中国的观点似乎很有理,它认为这一行为破坏了2002宣言。宣言规定各签约国避免挑衅行为。

5.Many times in the past, that sort of lobbying worked and China chose to ignore the North's provocations.这种游说过去曾经多次起作用,中国选择无视朝鲜的类似挑衅。

6.Despite occasional belpcose reactions to what it regards as provocations, China still harbours no ambition to be a hegemonic power.尽管在认为受到挑衅时,中国偶尔也会表现得好斗,但它并没有称霸的野心。

7.They reiterated that they would 'react firmly and strongly' to any North Korean provocations.他们重申,对朝鲜的挑衅将进行“坚决且有力的回应”。

8.As he flew here on Air Force One, Bush's national security adviser brushed aside Chavez's provocations.当布什乘坐空军一号飞抵这里,他的国家安全顾问扫除了查韦斯的挑衅。

9.In this interpretation of North Korean behavior, investors and markets should not take North Korean threats and provocations seriously.在这种解读下,投资者和金融市场应该避免对朝鲜的威胁和挑衅过于认真看待。

10.There has been no descent into a Lebanese- or Iraqi-style civil war, despite the provocations.尽管有人挑拨离间,但是这里没有发生黎巴嫩或者伊拉克模式的内战。