


网络释义:Common Lisp Object System; 葡萄园; 克洛斯


1.Common Lisp Object System一种三级克洛斯矩阵无阻塞扩展方法,该方法对传统三级克洛斯(Clos)矩阵进行扩展、以实现无阻塞大交叉容量交叉矩阵,该 …

4.瞄准线指令 Claret- 英国称波尔多红酒 Clos- 围堡 Cuvee- 酒头,混合酒 ...

7.克罗生的不同的葡萄园。他们将这些葡萄园用高一米左右的石头墙围起来,以便和旁边的葡萄园分开,这些葡萄园的围墙我们称呼 …

8.有围墙或篱笆的葡萄园圃 CLIMAT 布艮地专用术语 近似于庄园及产区 CLOS 有围墙或篱笆的葡萄园圃 COIFFE 起泡酒瓶颈处的罩 用于遮盖液面高度 …


1.Mr. Clos said Microsoft did not even come close to dose to providing complete information as demanded.Clos说微软不能按要求提供完整资料。

2.The European market had been confined to banks, hedge funds and the structured vehicles known as collaterapsed loan obpgations (CLOs).欧洲市场上只有银行、对冲基金和被称为贷款抵押债券(CLO)的结构性工具。

3.Some delegates told VOA that their big concern is massive traffic congestion in their cities, a concern echoed by U. N. Habitat's Clos.有些国家的代表告诉美国之音记者,他们最大的问题,是都市拥塞的交通。联合国人类居住计划的克洛斯也谈到这个问题。

4.The Paper presents a general survey of CLOS introducing its development history, features and prospect.本文是深入浅出的综述,介绍CLOS的发展历史、主要特点和展望。

5.Nowadays, protected by a wall of stones, Clos de Vougeot is the largest grand cru area in Burgundy.现在通过石墙的保护,伏旧园成为布根地产区最大的等级。

6.Its Clos Apalta winery in the Colchagua valley produces a much-praised red that retails for $80 in the United States.其名下位于科尔查瓜山谷的阿帕塔酿酒厂,出产一种颇受好评的红葡萄酒,在美国零售价合80美金。

7."To be honest, I think I was really lucky on the finish, " Le Clos said.“说老实话,我觉得自己触壁那一刻纯属侥幸,”勒·克洛斯说。

8.Indeed, for good measure, many run CLOs too.事实上,为了提供额外的服务,许多基金还经营贷款抵押债券。

9.if yah're feared uh mucking yer grand silk clos, spread yer hankerchir o' t' top on't.你要是怕弄脏你那华丽的绸衣服,就把手绢铺在上面吧。

10.Monks first planted vine in Clos de Vougeot in the 12th century.最早12世纪,僧侣在伏旧园种植葡萄。