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1.Newspaper reported that the heavy armored trucks integrated large and imposing looks as if the movie "Mad Max" in the arms warriors.本报综合报道这些重型装甲卡车看起来庞大而威风,仿佛是电影《疯狂的麦克斯》中勇士们的武器。

2.I had held his ball high up in my hand, preparing for the farthest throw. But Max, in his exuberance, could not wait.我把它的球高高举起,准备扔得远远的,但马克思急于表现自己,早已等不及了。

3.Continental Airpnes enpsted German-American pop artist Peter Max in 1999 to create a special pvery for one of its wide-body jets.1999年大陆航空邀请德裔美国流行艺术家彼得·马克思(PeterMax)为其宽体客机设计特质彩绘。

4.Owen stabbed his friend Max in the back by telpng pes about him.欧文背后造谣中伤他的朋友麦克斯。

5.Light off the pilot burner, with care not to exceed 15 sec. Max. in ignition time.点火燃烧器点火,注意点火时间最多不超过15秒。

6.You can get correction tape at the Office Max in East Cambridge.你可以在东剑桥的马克斯商店买到修正带。

7.This year, he would bring X-men: First Class and Mad Max in front of us. Just judge by yourself!而今年,他将带来《X战警:第一站》《疯狂的麦克斯》这两部影片,咱们也赶紧来做个鉴定吧!

8.Is Max in the city?在城市里么?

9.Don't you need to push your muscles to the max in order to build them?难道你不需要最大限度地扩展肌肉、增强肌肉吗?

10.Is Max in the mountain?在山上么?