


美式发音: [məˈhæn] 英式发音: [məˈhæn]

un.马汉(Alfred Thayer,1840—1914,美国海军少将及历史学家)



un.1.马汉(Alfred Thayer,1840—1914,美国海军少将及历史学家)

1.马汉 ... 吉尔伽美什 Gilgamesh 海权对历史的影响 Mahan 查拉斯图拉如是说 Also S…



1.After a while, the United States team of Hunt - Paul Mahan with the British players - Casey has become a draw play . U.过了一会儿,美国队的亨特-马汉与英国球手保尔-卡西打成了平局。

2.Some of these ideas came from the writings of Captain Alfred Mahan. He was head of America's Naval War College.许多这样的主张来自于AlfredMahan上尉,他是美国海战学院的领导人。

3.The understanding of sea power has since evolved, yet Mahan is now hugely admired in Asia's two most populous powers.尽管此后对海权的理解不断发展,但直到今天,马汉在亚洲人口最多的两个国家仍备受推崇。

4.Some of these ideas came from the writings of Captain Alfred Mahan.阿尔佛雷德.马汉(AlfredMahan)上校也有类似的想法。

5.In both countries Mahan is pressed into service in one planning paper after the next.这两个国家,把马汉的思想写进一本又一本的计划书。

6.Mahan wrote that all the great nations in history had possessed great sea power.Mahan写道历史上所有的伟大的国家都拥有过强大的海上力量。

7.WHEN Mepssa Mahan and her husband visited the Netherlands, they felt imprisoned by their tour bus.梅利莎?马汉和她的丈夫到荷兰游玩时,感觉当地的旅游巴士就像囚车一样。

8.But, even if history never repeats itself, the persistence of Mahan's doctrines suggests the past pkes to have a try.虽说历史永远不会重演,马汉学说的持续发酵,也许会给悲剧再来一次的机会。

9.Stricker and Mahan played the first time two years ago at Valhalla.史翠克和马汉两年前在瓦尔哈拉是第一次打莱德杯。

10.But it is a fabrication; Mahan never wrote it.然而,这话是编造的,马汉从来没说过。