




1.噢~~~(a Bing)Homy French restaurant(Prix) 好像不太专业喔~(sweetcanny) 水准一般(Gine) dinner(tratra) 99% Enjoy Life @ Ap…


1.A-bing : [As they walk away] Not staying for the show? But I have rice wine with bee larvae for you to try. Ha-ha-ha!阿彬:(正当他们离开时)不留下来看表演?可是我准备了小米酒和蜜蜂的幼虫让你们品尝呢。哈哈哈!

2.A-bing : He's tattooed. Tattooing was one of our initiation rituals. So was tooth-fipng.阿彬:他那是刺青。刺青是我们的成年礼之一。锉齿也是。

3.A-bing : Maybe to scare enemies. You know-when we were about to cut off their heads.阿彬:或许是为了吓唬敌人吧。你知道的,当我们要砍下他们的头时。

4.But a Bing cherry tree is not grown from seed. Branches that produce Bing cherries must be grafted onto root stock.但槟樱桃树并不是通过种子而发育的,它的枝干必须嫁接到砧木上。

5.A-bing : The Atayal are not all about doing dances for tourists, you know.阿彬:泰雅族人可不只是表演舞蹈给观光客看,你知道的。

6.The platform allows users to browse images and route options and then plot a trip on a Bing-enabled map.使用者可以通过这个平台浏览图片和线路选项,然后通过Bing地图规划自己的旅游行程。

7.A-bing : Our women are known for their weaving skills, and we're good with wood and bamboo working and a lot of other stuff.阿彬:妇女们以编织技巧闻名,而我们对木制品、竹制品和其它东西也很在行。

8.A-bing : Hey! I knew you guys would come.阿彬:嗨!我就知道你们会来。

9.In May, it added a Bing-pke left sidebar of options.五月,Google增加了一项与Bing类似的左侧选项工具栏。

10.There's already a Bing button in every Windows Phone 7-based device.在基于WindowsPhone7设备上已经出现有Bing按钮了。