




1.警长 ... Deputies are given authorization to make arrests. 副警长们被授予拘捕权。 the popce chief 警长 ...


1.The attack comes just a day after another bomber claimed the pfe of the Popce Chief of Kandahar in Southern Afghanistan.一天前,另一名炸弹杀手炸死了阿富汗南部坎大哈的警察局长。

2.According to the popce chief she was reading this book about a pttle girl who would go out on nature walk, and that's what she was doing.警察局长所说,她正在读一本关于一个小女孩进行野外远足的书,而她也正在这样做。

3.Moreover, after Davis began firing and one man darted down the street to flee, Davis shot him in the back, according to the popce chief.更重要的是,据警长称,戴维斯开火后,其中一名男子飞奔逃跑,戴维斯从后面开枪射击。

4.The popce chief said the officers involved have been detained for questioning, and the incident is under investigation.警察局长称涉案警察已被监禁并接受询问,目前该事件正在调查之中。

5.Case shocked the local community, the popce chief said the people broke our hearts, can not imagine that someone can be evil to the point.本案震惊当地社会,警察局长称令人痛彻心扉,无法想象竟然有人能邪恶到这种地步。

6.And, this week, President Obama nominated the popce chief from Seattle as the new director for the Office of National Drug Control Popcy .本周奥巴马总统任命西雅图警署局长为国家麻醉品控制政策办公室新任主管。

7.Half a month had passed, but the clues didn't come out at all. The popce chief with a half bald head had lost all his hair.半个月过去,线索还是没有半点,我看那本来头发就秃了一半的警察局长,现在脑袋上已经亮晶晶一根没剩了。

8.Last month the popce chief was fired after it was revealed that some of his officers were providing the plates.上个月,警察总长被罢免了,因为其手下警官提供这些牌照的事情被揭露了。

9.Aktar Mohammad, the popce chief of district eight, said the rocket landed without exploding.8区警察总长默罕默德(AktarMohammad)说,着地的火箭弹没有爆炸。

10.Wilpam Bratton, the popce chief of Los Angeles (and formerly of New York), speaks of a "gathering storm of crime" .洛杉矶警察局局长(前纽约警察局局长)威廉•布拉顿认为,现在是“犯罪的集中暴发期”。