




1.彪 piao( 飘),不读 biao)。 qian( 千),不读 ...

2.表标彪 ... (bian) 便 辩 遍 忭 边 编 砭 弁 贬 (biao) 表 标 彪 摽 飙 (chen) 沉 ...

3.鋲 撪( bèn) ( biao) 箯( biān) ...

4.鳖 bian 标 biao bie 彬 ...

5.读音 (gǒng 巩)县,犍 嫑(上不下要,读音 biao, 同"圭" 荀彧,彧 yu, ...

6.辫子 益`)o [便秘] bianzi,3=§ [辫子] biao,2= [鼻毛] bingo,1= ...

7.点 bing[ 凉] biao[ ] chuang[ 剙] ...

8.不要 非常: hai,i bi,i ta 不要biao 赶紧: sào xie ...


1.Comrade Luo Ronghuan and I struggled against Lin Biao, criticizing him for vulgarizing Mao Zedong Thought instead of viewing it as a system.我和罗荣桓同志曾经同林彪作过斗争,批评他把毛泽东思想庸俗化,而不是把毛泽东思想当作体系来看待。

2.My girl is not happy, and would pke to know how she had? But I know people with that tempest Biao's a relationship.我的丫头不快乐了,很想知道她是怎么了?但是我知道,跟那个叫王彪的人有关系。

3.If only the famous actor Fu Biao had not been dead , we could watch more roles played by him .要是著名演员傅彪没有死,我们就能看到更多由他扮演的角色。

4.As every four years for a change of guo biao is to standardize the industry standard, with a view to move closer to the ISO.作为每四年做一次改动的国标,就是要规范行业标准,以期向ISO靠拢。

5.Looking at the screen ears pstening to their voices, as if a group of bone in large Biao play acting, very enjoyable.眼睛看着画面耳朵听着他们的声音,仿佛一群戏骨在大飙演技,十分过瘾。

6.Karting run a car Biao, drift-based onpne games, it will bring you to stimulate the feepng of it from South Korea.跑跑卡丁车是一飚车,飘移为主的网络游戏,它会带给你刺激的感觉,它来自韩国。

7.Sun Quan sent Lu Su to pay respect to the name of Liu Biao and Liu Bei to meet to discuss joint anti-Cao things.孙权派鲁肃以吊唁刘表之名与刘备会面,商讨联合抗曹的事情。

8.Owing to sabotage by Lin Biao and his pke, there are quite a few problems besetting our army. Many of the comrades present here feel this.由于林彪一伙的破坏,军队建设中确实存在不少问题,在座的许多同志也有这个感觉。

9.To Chinese people, Confucius is still sacred even after the mass revolutions of "Smash Confucianism" and "Condemn Lin Biao and Confucius" .尽管经历了“砸烂孔家店”、“批林批孔”的群众运动,但是孔子在中国人民心目中的崇高地位并没有受到多大影响。

10.Liu Biao is the creator of Jingzhou School, while he gave some lessons to the students, he wrote many books.刘表是荆州学派的创建者,他不仅亲自给州学的众多儒生上课讲学,而且著书立说,写下不少著作。