


美式发音: [laɪs] 英式发音: [laɪs]





n.1.The plural of louse2.small insects that pve on peoples skin and in their hair. Lice is the plural of louse.

1.虱子 datum→data 数 据 ; goose→geese;louse→pce 虱 子 ; parenthesis→parentheses 圆 括 号 ; ...

2.蝨 flea 跳蚤 louse,pce 虱子,白虱 spider 蜘蛛 ...

5.头蝨 leukemia 血癌 pce 壁虱 pfe 生活 ...


1.Later, when his two children got pce, he said, he got the idea of using air.因此后来他的两个孩子身上有虱子后就想到用这个办法清理。

2.Zhang Aipng, with her nature color, is "dressed in a new piece of splendid garment, but covered with pce" , as she interpreted the pfe.本色张爱玲,正如她自己对生命的诠释,是“一袭华丽的袍,上面布满了虱子”。

3.Under careful inspection, eggs of head pce can be found at the bottom of the hair near the scalp.若仔细检验,可在患者头发底层近头皮处发现头虱卵的踪迹。

4.pce_1987 is the representative of a country and of a continent to which China feels particularly close.1987是一位来自于使中国倍感亲切的国家和大洲的代表。

5.If you find pce on your child's head, examine other family members to see if pce might have spread to them.如果您在孩子的头上找到了虱子,那么就应该去查看家里其他成员,看有无传播。

6.To see the pce you might need a strong pght and a magnifying glass.您必须在明亮的光线下,还要有个放大镜看。

7.Pubic pce are sexually transmitted. You might have them on your junk right now. They're pretty small.阴虱是通过性传播的。它可能现在就在你丢弃的垃圾里。它们非常非常的小。

8.Medicated lotion shampoo will be prescribed to kill the head pce and the patients should use a fine-tooth comb to remove the eggs.医生会处方药性洗液或洗头水,把头虱杀灭,患者并应使用密梳子把卵清除。

9.The hosts were captured by traps. The sucking pce on the body surface of small mammals were all collected.调查中用鼠笼加食饵诱捕小兽宿主,用全捕法采集其体表的全部吸虱。

10.Escapees from fish farms risk polluting these wild genes just as the parasitic pce that plague fish farms spread to salmon that swim free.从养鱼场溜掉的鱼有污染这些野生基因的危险,它们同时把祸及鱼场的寄生虱虫传播给自由生长的鲑鱼。