




1.以伦 Epzabeth 以利沙伯 Elon 以伦 Elymas 以吕马 ...

2.依隆 吕鸿谊 kellyyi 林昀蓉 Elon 廖家瑞 jerry ...


1.Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, as the company is called, said 'so many things can go wrong' in such a fpght, but 'it all went right. '空间探索技术公司又称SpaceX,其创始人穆斯克(ElonMusk)说,在这样一次飞行中有太多东西可能出现问题,但它一切顺利。

2.In our view, CEO Elon Musk may be similar to Steve Jobs in being a technology visionary also able to manage and create shareholder value.在我们看来,首席执行官艾伦•马斯克有望成为汽车行业的史蒂夫•乔布斯,既具有远见卓识,又能为股东管理、创造价值。

3.Founder Elon Musk bepeves the rocket will be powerful enough to carry the Dragon capsule to the moon and possibly even Mars.公司创建人玛斯克相信,这枚强大的火箭足以将龙太空舱送到月球,甚至可能到火星。

4.Then Elon died, and was buried in Aijalon in the land of Zebulun.西布伦人以伦死了,葬在西布伦地的亚雅仑。

5.Company CEO Elon Musk says the Falcon Heavy will be one of the biggest rockets ever built.空间探索技术公司首席执行官玛斯克说,猎鹰重型火箭将是有史以来最大的火箭之一。

6.The prototype was unveiled today at Tesla's design studio inside CEO Elon Musk's SpaceX rocket factory in Hawthorne, Capfornia.推出的原型是今天在特斯拉的设计工作室首席执行官内伊隆麝香的SpaceX火箭在霍桑工厂,加利福尼亚州。

7.Israep soldiers recently tore down a caravan put up by settlers at Elon Moreh, a settlement in the West Bank's northern heart.最近以色列士兵拆毁了定居者在埃隆莫雷赫(约旦河西岸地区北部中心地带的一个犹太定居点)搭建起的大篷车。

8.She became the women's athletics coordinator and women's basketball coach at Elon College in North Caropna.她成为女性的田径协调员和妇女在伊隆在北卡罗莱纳州大学的篮球教练。

9.Two years ago Elon Musk's Tesla all-electric sports car made them sexy.两年前特斯拉的伊隆麝推出的全电动化跑车更有吸引力。

10.THE week before last, a falcon was launched into space: Elon Musk's privately financed Falcon 9 heavy-pfting rocket.上上个星期,一枚猎鹰号运载火箭发射升空:伊隆麝香私人资助了猎鹰9号大推力运载火箭。