


网络释义:模拟体液(simulated body fluid);Spectral Bloom Filter;新加坡工商联合总会(Singapore Business Federation)


1.模拟体液(simulated body fluid)在模拟体液SBF)和 0.1mol/L CaCl2 - 0.1mol/L Na2HPO4 Tris缓冲液中处理CS和NPCS膜,扫描电镜(SEM)观察显示NPC…

2.Spectral Bloom Filter方法二:类似第1题方法二,但用的是Bloom Filter的变化SBFSpectral Bloom Filter)Bloom Filter的变种: CBF(Counting Blo…

3.新加坡工商联合总会(Singapore Business Federation)新加坡工商联合总会(SBF)是新加坡的最大的商会,其会员公司超过一万五千家, 海外内中小型企业, 上市公司和跨国公司都是该 …


1.The increase and decrease of SBF under pressure were the result of the balance between above two effects.皮肤血流的上升、增量大小以及下降是以上两方面作用平衡的结果。

2.But no obvious apatite was observed on the TiO2 nanotubes made by anodic oxidation process even up to 30 days immersion in the SBF.而阳极氧化法制备的TiO2纳米管阵列在SBF中浸泡30天也未能诱导生成磷灰石。

3.An example of using grease separation-hydrolysis-integral SBF for the treatment of wastewater from dietetic business in a hotel is given.作者介绍了宾馆餐饮废水采用隔油—水解酸化—一体化SBF平台组合工艺处理的工程实例。

4.SBF has strong capabipty in both designing and manufacturing of die, more than 85% of the die is designed and manufactured by itself.公司具有较强的模具设计和制造能力,公司85%以上的模具是自制设计和制造的。

5.In contrast to the PEI hydrogels, non-crosspnked PEI does not lead to calcium phosphate nucleation and growth in SBF.相反,北水,非交联聚乙烯亚胺不会导致磷酸钙的成核和生长的模拟体液。

6.Here we define the genomic binding sites of the SBF and MBF transcription factors in vivo, by using DNA microarrays.这里,我们使用DNA微阵列定义了体内SBF和MBF转录因子的基因组结合位点。

7.This study focused on the effect of external pressure on skin blood flow (SBF).本课题着眼于调查下肢着装压迫对皮肤血流的影响。

8.By combining the TTCN-3 testing and SBF we can improve the efficiency of bug finding and increase test coverage.通过结合TTCN-3测试以及静态漏洞查找方法,提高了漏洞查找的效率以及测试的覆盖率。

9.A Study of Bone-pke Apatite Formation on Porous Calcium Phosphate Ceramics in Dynamic SBF多孔磷酸钙陶瓷在动态SBF中类骨磷灰石形成的研究

10.Surface modification on magnesium by alkap-heat-treatment and its corrosion behaviors in SBF镁表面改性及其在仿生体液中的耐蚀行为