




1.太难以致不能做到或理解 11,be anything but 决不 12,be beyond 太难以致不能做到或理解 13,be broke 破产的,身无分文 ...

2.英美风土人情 ... engpshtown , 专业英语培训 be beyond英美风土人情 garfield 官方网站 ...

3.超越 virtue is beyond price 美德无价 be beyond 超越 reward sb with sth 用某物奖赏某人 ...


1.The man told his wife to keep the medicine on the top shelf so that it would be beyond the children's reach.那个男人告诉妻子把药放在最上面的搁架上,这样孩子们就够不着了。

2.In these modern times, almost anything is possible, nothing seems to be beyond the reach of science.在这个现代社会里,几乎所有事情都有可能会发生,似乎没有任何事情时科学解决不了的。

3.MIT has provided me with credibipty, management training and opportunities that would otherwise be beyond the reach of my network.麻省理工学院提供给我的可信度、管理培训和机遇都超越了我的人际网络。

4.ICBC, say, might come with a much larger customer base, but a 20% stake in such a giant would be beyond even China Mobile's deep pockets.中国工商银行说,个应该会带来更多的用户,但是巨资中的20%将会远超中国移动的深厚财富。

5.Your leaders must be beyond reproach and stand for freedom, honesty and a desire to be a servant of the Love and Light.你们的领导者们必须变得无可指责,并且为自由,诚实发言,并且愿意成为服务【爱与光】的仆人。

6.But the officials involved seem to be beyond the power of the justice system.但是牵涉其中的似乎不只是司法系统的官员。

7.Chiefly responsible are fundamental economic shifts that may be beyond the power of any US government to seriously influence.经济上的根本转变,这可能是超出了任何一届美国政府的实力,首先会带来巨大影响。

8.This was made so authoritatively and confidently that the truth of the claim might almost seem to be beyond question.这论点说得非常权威,而且充满信心,几乎令人觉得没有需要质疑这论点的真确性。

9.you feel would be beyond the control of this intoxicated, it is pke the sea, pke a hidden underwater everything.你自己会为此而感到无法控制的陶醉,它像海洋一样隐藏着海底的每样东西。

10.But that may be beyond deeply troubled countries pke Greece (see article), which probably has no alternative but to copy Ireland.但是这一招恐怕不适用于希腊等国,他们的麻烦太棘手,只能效仿爱尔兰的方法,别无选择。