


美式发音: [ˈʃredər] 英式发音: [ˈʃredə(r)]






1.切碎机;(尤指)碎纸机a machine that tears sth into small pieces, especially paper, so that nobody can read what was printed on it


n.1.a machine that destroys documents by cutting them into long thin pieces2.someone who is good at snowboarding

1.碎纸机 erection n. 直立, 竖起, 建筑物, [生理]勃起 shredder n. 切菜器, 撕碎机 n.David 的昵称n.宣誓书 ...

4.切菜器 erection n. 直立, 竖起, 建筑物, [生理]勃起 shredder n. 切菜器, 撕碎机 n.David 的昵称n.宣誓书 ...

5.粉碎机 shovel loader 铲式装料机 shredder 粉碎机 shrink 收缩 ...

6.破碎机 ... 相关买家: 不锈钢蚀刻线; Steel Etching Line; 相关买家: 破碎机; Shredder; 相关买家: 机床; laser machine; ...

7.史莱德 ... show 初现焰晕 shredder 锤碎机 shrinkage 留矿 ...


1.The Shredder Clock is just a concept, but it's a pretty good idea, and a new spin on the notion that money is a great morning motivator.碎纸机时钟只是一个概念,但的确是个好想法,这个概念来源于一个新的编撰,即金钱是伟大的早起动力。

2."Simple, " she said, taking the fat report from his hand and feeding it into the shredder.“很简单,”她说,从他手里接过厚厚的报告,塞进了碎纸机。

3.A young executive was leaving the office at 6 p. m. when he found the CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand.一个年轻的主管在下午6点下班后准备离开,这时他发现总经理手上拿着一张纸站在一个碎纸机边。

4.The Data Shredder allows you to erase files in such a way that it is impossible to recover them by software or hardware means .数据粉碎机能够让您彻底删除文件,就算使用软件或者硬件都不能修复。

5.A paper shredder is designed to be a rubbish receptacle. You and I are not!碎纸篓就是要贮存垃圾,而你和我并非如此!

6.The paramedics found him very dead, half in and half out of the shredder's hopper, one leg shredded to the hip.医护人员发现他时他已经死透了,一半身子在粉碎机的送料斗里,一半在外面,一条腿已经被粉碎到了臀部。

7.A drawing by Lucian Freud valued at more than $100, 000 was accidentally put through a shredder by Sotheby's in London in 2000.2000年,卢西安·弗洛伊德(LucianFreud)的一幅素描被苏富比伦敦拍卖行意外的丢进了碎纸机,这张画价值超过10万美金。

8."Glad to help" , she turns the shredder on and inserts the paper. Then her boss says, "Thanks, I only need one copy. "“很乐意帮忙,”她启动碎纸机,把纸塞了进去。之后,她的老板说道,“谢谢,我复印一份就行了。”

9.He picked up the agenda sheets and fed them into a shredder.他拿起议程表并将其塞进了碎纸机。

10.Whatever document you put into a shredder will be shredded, not by virtue of what the document says but by virtue of what a shredder does.无论什么文件,你放到碎纸机里都会被粉碎,这不是依靠文件所说的而是依靠碎纸机的作用。