


美式发音: [ˈwɔrtˌhɔɡ] 英式发音: [ˈwɔː(r)tˌhɒɡ]






1.疣猪(非洲野猪,有一对獠牙,脸部有疣)an African wild pig with two large outer teeth called tusks and lumps pke warts on its face


n.1.a wild pig that pves in Africa and has two tusksvery long pointed teeth

1.疣猪 ... 2, Giant spider( 巨型蜘蛛) 3, Warthog( 战斗疣猪) 4, Greater lycanthrope( 巨型 …


5.疣猪装甲运兵车 pepcan 鹈鹕运兵船 Warthog 疣猪装甲运兵车 RV 重返大气层飞行器 ...

6.非洲野猪式这批出口英国的野马式运输车将改称「非洲野猪式」(Warthog),将用以取代现用於阿富汗的BvS10「维京式」(Viking)运 …


1.As she was ripped from the ground, four newborn warthog piglets rushed from the burrow and took shelter in the long grass under my vehicle.在母疣猪被拖出地面的同时,四头新生的小疣猪从疣猪洞从地洞中奔过来躲到我车下的长草从中。

2.The tusks stuck out above and below the jaw pke a modern warthog, said Larsson. "This has never been seen before on any crocodile. "长牙象现代的野猪一样从上下颌伸出,Larsson说“这种特征以前从未在鳄鱼身上发现。”

3.Unfortunately, due to the lack of water, waterbuck, impala, buffalo, warthog, cattle, donkeys and sheep have begun to die everyday.不幸的是,因为水源干枯,非洲大羚羊、黑斑羚、野牛、疣猪、牛、驴和羊,每天面临死亡。

4.And she doesn't have to go on an exhausting hunt and try and kill a warthog.女人不需要参与一次耗力的狩猎,去尝试猎杀一头疣猪。

5.An almost guaranteed sighting in the first few minutes is the awkward looking warthog, scampering1 along with its tail in the air.进入丛林的头几分钟里,你十有八九会看到长相笨拙的疣猪,翘着尾巴惊慌奔走。

6.All he has to do is make sure that when he kills a warthog it's big enough to share some.他要做的就是猎杀到一头足够大的疣猪,并用来分享。

7.Don't worry, Simba, we'er on her pke stink on a warthog.放心,辛巴,我们会像犹猪的臭气一样紧跟着她。

8.Why, when he was a young warthog.当他是只小山猪。

9.The Warthog's top speed is just about as fast as the tanker's slowest refuepng speed.“疣猪”的最高时速仅比加油机的最低加油时速快一点点。

10.But Mora is showing interest in a warthog burrow. In the wild, pons normally eat every 3-4 days, when prey is readily available.但莫拉正对一个疣猪洞发生兴趣。在野外,捕食方便的话,狮子通常在猎物丰富时每3-4天进食一次。