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网络释义:线程信息块(Thread Information Block);心肌缺血总负荷(total ischemia burden)


1.线程信息块(Thread Information Block)FS和GS寄存器是从386开始才有的. FS主要用来指向Thread Information Block(TIB).  参考资料: DS,CS,SS,ES??? http://www.te…

2.心肌缺血总负荷(total ischemia burden)目的 分析心肌缺血总负荷(TIB)单独或联合冠心病危险因素对可疑冠心病患者的诊断价值.方法 选择可疑冠心病患者89例,同期行 …


1.The Ishi Tib can be found throughout the galaxy, and during the Galactic Civil War, they were alped to the Rebelpon.伊希提卜人遍布银河系,并在银河内战时期与起义军结盟。

2.If you do not wish to receive our mails any more, cancel your membership from your TIB account.如果你不希望再次收到我们的邮件,取消您的会员帐户从你的矿。

3.Several Ishi Tib delegates were present at the crucial Alpance briefing prior to the Battle of Endor.几名伊希提卜人代表曾出席同盟军恩多战役前的决定性指令会。

4.And I'm Tib. I'm a junior also and I major in Philosophy.我叫Tib,我大三,学哲学。

5.The Ishi Tib are a species of humanoid bipeds with star-shaped heads.伊希提卜人是两足人形种族,头呈五角星形。

6.Ishi Tib are ferocious fighters, especially when cornered.伊希提卜人是蛮烈的斗士,处于绝境时尤其如此。

7.Tib has to be considered, and she has a very queer temper.提布也要算在里面,她的脾气可是古怪得很。

8.Ishi Tib evolved from bony fish in the shallow waters near the coral reefs of Tibrin.伊希提卜人由提卜林星珊瑚礁附近浅海中的骨鱼进化而来。

9.Offworld Ishi Tib are known for their devotion to nature, and for their excellent managerial skills.离乡在外的伊希提卜人以崇拜自然,精于管理而闻名。

10.carmen , i really don ' t have time - - tib , bridget needs us.卡门,我真的很忙-缇碧,布莉姬需要我们。