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网络释义:问题资产救助计划(Troubled Asset Repef Program);不良资产救助计划;问题资产救助计画




n.1.a large piece of thick plastic or other material that you put over something to protect it from the rain

1.问题资产救助计划(Troubled Asset Repef Program)问题资产救助计划(Tarp)向美国公司提供了7500亿美元财政资金。在英国,据国家审计署(National Audit Office)估计,补贴、注 …

2.不良资产救助计划遵循不良资产救助计划TARP)路线的政策将会大大地遏制欧洲的问题,甚至会彻底地结束危机。不幸的是,其中有很大的政 …

3.问题资产救助计画谈到问题资产救助计画TARP),宝森说:「我们会拿回为银行挹注的每一分钱,并有所获利。我认为,其他所有方案下所拿 …

4.问题资产拯救计划华府问题资产拯救计划TARP)特别督察长Neil Barofsky发表报告,狠批纽约联储银行滥救美国国际集团(AIG),未有尽力 …

5.美国问题资产救助计划美国问题资产救助计划(Tarp)最初的想法,显然是以市价来购买银行资产,这将需要整整4万亿美元,并且将纳税人置于巨大的 …

6.问题资产纾困计划美国财政部出台“问题资产纾困计划”(Tarp)扶持银行,美联储为商业票据市场和货币市场共同基金提供支持,均为阻止经济崩溃 …

7.不良资产救助计画"起初不良资产救助计画(TARP)用于购买资产,随后被用于重整银行资本,以及为定期资产支持证券贷款工具(TALF)支付资金,所以 …


1.There are several reasons for the difference between the Treasury's and outside estimates of how much TARP funds remain.财政部和外部人士对问题资产救助计划剩余资金的估计存在差别,原因有几个。

2.Corail camp resident Molane Montinor, 59, seems to gather dust as she walks with a blanket and plastic-covered tarp over her head.Corail营驻地MolaneMontinor,59,似乎聚集了灰尘,因为她在她的头上毯子和塑料篷布覆盖各行各业。

3.The only hope of redressing this, now banks have wriggled out of Tarp's grip, is in reform legislation now making its way through Congress.既然银行已经脱离了Tarp计划的控制,因此纠正这种局面的唯一希望,在于国会正在审议的改革立法。

4.All that means Morgan is prepared to repay TARP as soon as U. S. regulators allow, he said, and can go back on offense when markets improve.Kelleher称,这表示摩根士丹利已准备好在美国政府批准后立即偿还这笔资金,并在市场改善时发动进攻.(完)

5."TARP was not intended as a bailout for Wall Street, it was intended to provide benefit for the whole economy, " she said.她表示,“TARP的目标并不是救助华尔街,而是向整个经济提供帮助。”

6.In his letter to shareholders, Moynihan went out of his way to thank U. S. taxpayers for making $45 bilpon in TARP funds available.在给股东的信中,莫尼汉特地感谢美国纳税人,正是由于他们,美国银行才获得了450亿美元的不良资产援助资金。

7.In response, officials have been trying to recast TARP as aid for Main Street rather than Wall Street.对此,美国政府一直试图改写不良资产剥离计划,以帮助街上的失业人群,而不是华尔街的白领们。

8.The digester is a tarp covered, double pned lagoon the size of five football fields. A week from now methane will cause the tarp to expand.消化池是一个由油布苫盖的双内衬污水池,有五个橄榄球场那么大。从现在开始的一周内,甲烷会导致油布膨胀。

9.One benefit of TARP was that it bought time for banks to repair their balance sheets by issuing large amounts of new stock.问题资产救助计划的一个好处是,它为银行争取了时间,让它们得以通过发行大量新股来修复资产负债表。

10.Paulson said the treasury was examining how the $700bn Tarp fund could be used to prevent home foreclosures.保尔森说财政部正在考虑这7000亿美元如何发挥作用才能防止对家庭取消抵押品的赎回权。