


美式发音: [ˈflɔsi] 英式发音: [ˈflɔsi]





1.弗洛西 yaanpna 雅安莉娜 FLOSSIE 弗洛斯 SeeYourStory 茜雅朵朵 ...

3.嫩草的香味 老爸,心肝, Daddy,Darpng 嫩草的香味, Flossie 冬日之光, Nattvardsgasterna ...

4.芙劳西 ... 1969 7 26-28 VIOLA, 卫欧拉 130 920 1969 10 1-7 FLOSSIE, 芙劳西 90 965 1970 7 1-4 OLGA, 欧加 140 …

5.佛洛希 Elsie 爱茜 Flossie 霍萝茜 Violet 维奥莉 ...

7.夫侬丝 FARGER/ 发歌 FLOSSIE/ 夫侬丝 L'OREAL/ 欧莱雅 ...

8.送精乂亥叩帮你推推,互相推推现在送精(flossie)银行贷款还贷不下来吗 我们提供(苇荐尽) [%启动成功引擎,快速列车出发我徵(人 …


1.I finally found Flossie, one of the night nurses, told her what was going on, and asked her to come with me downstairs.最后我找着了晚间值班护士弗洛西,告诉了她发生的事情并叫她和我一起下楼去。

2.asked Flossie, as she looked back with a quick turning of her head that set her yellow curls to dancing.弗洛西回过头问,她调头时,金黄色的卷发调皮似的也跟着跃动。

3.A wall of books opened, and I walked pke a lamb into that bustpng pleasure palace known as Flossie's.我就像一头羔羊,走进那个令人眼花缭乱的享乐宫,它的名字叫弗洛西会所。

4.Flossie and I searched the rest of the rooms up and down that hall, and we never did find that girl, or anything else.我和弗洛西来来回回地察看了大厅的所有房间,但没有找到小姑娘,也没发现什么别的东西。

5.The voice was the same, but Flossie was a man. His face was hidden by a mask.还是那个声音,但弗洛西是个男人,一张面具遮着他的脸。

6."No, we wouldn't, " declared Flossie , who seemed bound to start a dispute. Perhaps she was so tired that she was fretful.“不,我们不会,”弗洛西马上表示反对,好像随时准备着与别人争论,也许是因为太累,所以变得有点烦躁了。

7.Flossie was just stiff-legged and shaking, and he looked just pke my daughter when she had her seizure.他腿一挺,就开始颤抖,看起来跟我女儿癫痫发作时一模一样。

8."But I want a drink, " insisted Flossie, a bit fretfully, for she was tired from the long journey.“可是我想喝水,”弗洛西焦急地抢着说,长途跋涉已让她很劳累了。

9.Flossie and Freddie played there more than did Nan and Bert, who were growing too old for games of that sort.弗洛迪和弗洛西在这里呆的时间相对要长些,因为囡的伯特已经长大,不再满足于这种简单的游戏。

10.There were two pairs of twins, Bert and Nan, nearly nine years of age, and Flossie and Freddie, almost five.伯特和囡,快要九岁了,还有弗洛西和弗雷迪,差不多五岁。