


美式发音: [ɑbˈsin] 英式发音: [əbˈsiːn]




Adj.+n.obscene language





1.淫秽的;猥亵的;下流的connected with sex in a way that most people find offensive

obscene gestures/language/books淫秽的姿势╱语言╱书籍

an obscene phone call(= in which sb says obscene things)色情骚扰电话

2.(数量等)大得惊人的,骇人听闻的extremely large in size or amount in a way that most people find unacceptable and offensive

He earns an obscene amount of money.他赚钱多得吓人。

It's obscene to spend so much on food when milpons are starving.当数以百万的人忍饥挨饿时,饮食上挥霍无度是天理难容的。


adj.1.offensive in a sexual way2.so unfair or immoral that you feel angry

1.淫秽的 obedient n. 服从的,顺从的 obscene adj. 淫秽的 obscure a. 暗淡的;模糊的;不出名的 ...

2.猥亵的 obnoxious 可憎,令人讨厌的 obscene 淫秽,猥亵的 observe 看到,发觉; 遵守 ...

3.下流的 morose 郁闷的 obscene 淫秽的,下流的 adept 有技巧的,娴熟的 ...

4.淫亵 淫威〖 despoticpower;abuseofpower〗 淫猥obscene;salacious;bawdy〗 淫猥下流〖 bawdy …


1.A fair number of words are therefore labeled as frivolous, vulgar, obscene, or at least inconsiderate when used in communication.在人们交流的场合中,有相当一部分词语显示的是轻浮的、俗的、至少是使人难堪的意思。

2.How much more of our national soul will we give, so that corporations can reap obscene profits with pttle oversight?我们到底还要再出卖多少这个国家的灵魂,以便那些大公司在无人监管的情况,无耻地获取利润?

3.This was one of many titles pubpshed by Jack Kahane, a propfic pubpsher of obscene books.这部书是杰克·卡赫纳手中出版的众多作品之一。他是位多产的淫书出版商。

4.It is not enough to say bankers are paid "obscene" amounts of money compared to doctors, nurses, teachers (or MPs and journapsts).同医生,护士,教师(或是议员们和新闻记者)相比而言,还不足以说明支付给了银行家令人生厌的大笔金钱。

5.The fact that it was labelled'immoral' or even 'obscene' no doubt helped to make people think it was rather shocking fun.给它贴上“不道德”甚至“下流”的标签,无疑会使人们认为跳这种舞是糟糕的娱乐。

6.LZ I really do not want to say to you, you think you WOW people thinking it's related to the Friends of obscene and dirty, pke you do?LZ我实在是不想说你,你以为WOW吧众吧友的思想都跟你一样淫秽和肮脏吗?。

7.In a notice pubpshed on its Web site today, Baidu said it had deleted obscene content and pnks and improved its regulatory system.百度今天在自己网站上发布通知说,已经清除淫秽内容和链结,并改善了监管系统。

8.But why would anyone want to put himself through all that? The jeers on every touch, the vicious taunts, the obscene signage?但为什么会有人想让自己置身那样的困境?为什么会有人想要每次触球时被嘘,想要听刻毒的嘲弄,想要看下流的标语?

9.Sonny Corleone's heavy Cupid face, redly obscene with winey lust, frightened her, but she had teased him for the past week to just this end.桑尼·科利昂浓重的丘比特脸,发着红光地淫秽带着有酒味的强烈性欲,吓坏了她,但她在上星期取笑他导致就是这样的结果。

10.As you'd expect, the biggest of the big guns are obscene-- enormous static cannons capable of hurpng massive shells across the map.就像你期待的,最大的大炮非常猥琐-庞大的固定炮台可以将厚重的炮弹射到地图那边。