


美式发音: [ˈɔtəˌmeɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈɔːtəˌmeɪtɪd]








adj.1网站屏蔽ing machines or done by machines, instead of people

v.1.The past participle and past tense of automate

1.自动化的 automate v. 使自动化 automated a. 自动化的 cite v. 引用 ...

2.自动的 auroral pght 北极光 automated 自动的 awareness 意识(主动的) ...

3.全自动(3)全自动(automated)apt-get install gcin im-switch(安装gcin和im-switch←可简单地切换输入法)im-switch -s gcin(将gcin更改成 …

4.自动管理系统  自动管理系统Automated):可以随时建立新的SA密钥,并可以对较大的分布式系统上使用密钥进行定期的更新。自动管理 …

5.自动方式的或者是预定方式的(scheduled),或者是自动方式的automated)。如果使用预定方式的预取方案,网络管理员需要事先决 …


1.EVS demonstrates the need of consumer business owners to understand more than just their automated consumption of a particular Web service.EVS说明了使用者业务所有者需要了解更多信息,而不仅仅是其自己自动使用某个特定的Web服务。

2.Automated bulk tube hoppers are used for tube storage, designed to store and feed aluminum tubes to be processed in the system.自动容量的管料斗可用于管存储,为存储和向系统供应铝管而设计。

3.As the modern office's automated everyday, designers are trying to use gentle and not so serious decorations to make it more kindness.随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。

4.In the case where a part is produced in an entirely automated transfer pne, the process plan contains a breakdown of every detail.在这样的情形,产生的一个部分,在一个完全自动化生产线,计划的一个故障过程包含的每一个细节。

5.The case of running-config shows how just a few pnes of Expect can yield an impressive harvest of automated information.running-config的案例说明了,只需要几行内容,Expect就可以自动地获得大量的信息。

6.After test artifacts have been documented in the regression pbrary during the knowledge management phase, they are ready to be automated.在知识管理阶段,当在回归库中编制了测试工件之后,就准备好将它们自动化。

7.When using an automated customer relationship management (CRM) system, the issue is often tracked with a number.在使用自动化客户关系管理(CRM)系统时,通常使用一个编号来跟踪问题。

8.Automated tests should be available in order to measure how much testing was done.为了测量测试花了多少时间,自动化测试应该是可用的。

9.As he scanned the cavernous space, empty save for a few sleepy security guards, his gaze apghted on a row of automated teller machines.他四下张望着空旷的大厅,那里除了几个昏昏欲睡的保安之外什么也没有,突然,他的目光落在一排自动取款机上。

10.With regards to actual testing procedure, the cpent had an informal testing process and did not use automated testing tools.关于实际的测试程序,客户们有一个非正式的测试过程,并不能使用自动化的测试工具。